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Ending the Gaza war: Egypt may propose a plan

Ceasefire, release of hostages and prisoners and a withdrawal of troops: According to a media report, Egypt has drawn up a three-phase draft for an end to the war. What does it say?

Palestinians inspect the rubble after an Israeli airstrike on a family's building.
Palestinians inspect the rubble after an Israeli airstrike on a family's building.

Middle East - Ending the Gaza war: Egypt may propose a plan

According to Arab media reports,Egypt has drawn up a plan to end the Gaza war in several stages. As reported by the Saudi TV channel Aschark News, the first phase would involve enforcing a ceasefire lasting at least two weeks. During this time, 40 hostages held in the Gaza Strip were also to be released.

In return, Israel was to release 120 Palestinian prisoners. On both sides, these were to be women, children under the age of 18 and elderly, sick people. The report referred to "informed sources", which were not elaborated on.

Dialogue under the auspices of Egypt

The second phase would be about establishing a national Palestinian dialog under the auspices of Egypt. The aim was to "end the division" and form a technocratic government, it was said. This passage refers to the rivalry between the two largest Palestinian groups, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah and the Islamist Hamas.

The third phase envisages a complete ceasefire and a comprehensive agreement on the exchange of hostages and prisoners. Finally, the plan reportedly envisages a complete withdrawal of the Israeli army from the Gaza Strip. At the same time, all displaced persons would have to be allowed to return to their homes.

So far there has been no official reaction from Egypt or Hamas to the report.

Hamas leader was in Egypt for talks

The leader of the Islamist Hamas, Ismail Haniya, was previously in Egypt with a delegation for talks. According to the report by Aschark News, he returned to Qatar on Saturday. He is one of the most important leading figures in Hamas. He lives in Qatar.

According to reports, the Hamas political leadership living in exile is already holding talks behind the backs of the two Hamas leaders in the Gaza Strip, Jihia Sinwar and Mohammed Deif, on how the Gaza Strip and the West Bank will be governed after the end of the war.

Under the mediation of Qatar, Egypt and the USA, Israel and the Islamist Hamas agreed on a ceasefire in the Gaza war lasting several days at the end of November, which led to the release of hostages and the release of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli jails.

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