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Elton is the host of Stefan Raab's boxing event.

In September, RTL broadcasts the event.

As so often in September at Raab's side: Elton.
As so often in September at Raab's side: Elton.

Elton is the host of Stefan Raab's boxing event.

In September, Stefan Raab and Regina Halmich are set to step into the boxing ring. Of course, Stefan's longtime assistant Elton won't miss this grand event. The 53-year-old entertainer will make his TV comeback on the 14th, competing against former boxing world champion Regina Halmich. And what better way for him to be there than taking charge of the evening's RTL broadcast as the moderator.

It's no surprise that Elton has been chosen to lead the show. For years, he had been working alongside Stefan Raab, forming an unforgettable duo. Elton's breakthrough came when he became Raab's trusty sidekick on "TV total" and continued to be his show apprentice in every venture thereafter. Even in the recent announcements for Raab's return, it was Elton who made a cameo on social media.

The live broadcast of the event, titled "The Clark Final Fight - Stefan Raab vs. Regina Halmich", is set to take place on RTL. From the press release of the broadcaster, it's clear that Elton will be the one hosting the show. Frank "Buschi" Buschmann will join in as the commentator for the match.

Given Elton's past collaboration with Stefan Raab, this appointment might not come as a surprise. But he's been facing some setbacks in the TV industry lately. ProSieben, the network that had been their home for years, surprisingly decided to produce "Schlag den Star" without Elton. Elton voiced his shock, anger, and sadness about this decision on his Instagram account.

Hoping for a fresh start, many fans are looking forward to his comeback on RTL. Elton himself appears optimistic about this opportunity, assuring his followers on social media that he's fully committed to the task. As for now, we'll have to wait and see if this is a short-term comeback or if Raab will make a permanent return to television.

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