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DRK President calls for better crisis equipment

The memory of the Ahr Valley disaster is still fresh in our minds, and parts of Germany are once again under water. There is a concept for better disaster protection - but there is a lack of implementation.

Numerous volunteers from the German Red Cross are also working in the current flood areas.
Numerous volunteers from the German Red Cross are also working in the current flood areas.

Disaster cases - DRK President calls for better crisis equipment

In light of the flooding in parts of Germany, the German Red Cross (DRK) is calling for better preparation for such crises. "We need more and better equipment for disasters in Germany," DRK President Gerda Hasselfeldt told the Rheinische Post newspaper. "The deficits are glaring, especially in terms of material equipment."

After the flood disaster in the Ahr Valley in the summer of 2021, the awareness of those politically responsible for civil protection has increased. "There's not much left of that now." There is a concept, but its implementation is faltering due to very limited budget funds. The political consensus had been to "procure ten mobile support modules for use in the event of destroyed infrastructure. So far, there is only one," complained Hasselfeldt.

According to her, a module consisting of tents, for example, can accommodate, care for and provide comprehensive support for up to 5,000 people at a time. "We are not talking about crises. But it is foreseeable that we will be affected by disasters more and more often. Possibly at the same time."

Emergency services have been working continuously in the flood areas for days. Lower Saxony, parts of North Rhine-Westphalia and southern Saxony-Anhalt are particularly affected. On New Year's Eve, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited a flood area in Lower Saxony, followed a day later by Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser.

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