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Drivers of Palestinian aid convoys express concerns about their safety.

Israeli settlers' assaults

An aid convoy was held up by an attack by Israeli settlers.
An aid convoy was held up by an attack by Israeli settlers.

Drivers of Palestinian aid convoys express concerns about their safety.

Following several incidents of road blockades and attacks on aid convoys by Israeli settlers, truck drivers are now voicing concerns over their safety. Human rights advocates allege that the Israeli military and police are turning a blind eye to these attacks.

After recent assaults on a West Bank-based humanitarian convoy, difficulties in providing aid to the starving Gaza Strip are arising. Palestinian truck drivers have expressed fear over their well-being and have avoided transporting goods to Gaza following these incidents. "It's a calamity here due to the settlers," said Adel Amer from the truckers' association in the West Bank.

Israeli protestors assaulted some drivers on Monday and caused damage to approximately 15 lorries, resulting in property destruction worth around two million dollars. The drivers weren't confident in the protection offered by the military, the trade unionist added. The military affirmed that they couldn't intervene against the settlers. This event took place at the Tarkumija checkpoint west of Hebron in the occupied West Bank.

Photos circulating on the internet show at least one burning truck and activists throwing the cargo of the trucks onto the ground. The boxes now lie burst open, with their contents scattering across the road.

Wasim Al-Jabari, leader of the Hebron Food Trade Association, divulged that 70 trucks were initially scheduled to depart for Gaza on Monday. However, upon loading near the checkpoint, Israeli settlers attacked, annihilated the cargo, and set fire to the vehicles. According to Al-Jabari, Israeli soldiers remained idle as the situation unfolded. There was no initial statement from the army. The police, however, mentioned that the incident, involving arrests, is being examined.

Condemnation from the USA and UK

The perpetrators of the attacks referred to themselves as "Order 9." The group claimed they wanted to prevent aid from ending up with Hamas. The group also accused the Israeli government of distributing "gifts" to radical Islamists.

In the past, human rights activists have frequently criticized the Israeli military and police for ignoring violent actions by Jewish settlers against Palestinians in the West Bank. The most recent case has drawn harsh words from the United States and the United Kingdom. British Foreign Secretary David Cameron urged Israel to apprehend those responsible for the attacks. The United States has been repeatedly pressuring Israel to act faster in supporting civilians in the Gaza Strip, aiming to alleviate the worsening humanitarian situation there.

Seven months into the conflict, the population's situation is deteriorating. The Israeli military has been combatting the militia controlling the Gaza Strip following the Hamas attack on October 7.

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