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Dominic West describes old rift with Prince Harry

Latrines, nudity, champagne

Dominic West and Prince Harry as members of the expedition in an archive photo from
Dominic West and Prince Harry as members of the expedition in an archive photo from

Dominic West describes old rift with Prince Harry

An expedition forges a bond. For actor Dominic West and Prince Harry, however, the 2013 experience apparently ended in a rift that led to radio silence. Everything is said to have gone off without a hitch in Antarctica, with champagne even flowing from a prosthetic leg.

Around ten years ago, Dominic West and Prince Harry trekked through Antarctica together for several weeks for a charity event - an experience that brought them closer together. However, for his role as Prince Harry's father Prince Charles (now King Charles III) in the Netflix series "The Crown", the now 54-year-old West was apparently unable to get any advice from the royal. Because around ten years later, the actor no longer has any contact with Prince Harry. West has now revealed this in an interview with the radio station "Times Radio".

"We lost contact because I said too much in a press conference and we didn't speak after that," West suspects. "I think I was asked what we did and how we partied when we got there. And I probably said too much."

West is only hinting at a rift and its content here. Several media outlets are speculating as to whether West's statements about toilet and latrine construction at the Antarctic camp could be the cause of the alleged rift. Harry, now 39 years old, is said to have played a significant role in the construction of the latrines. West explained after his stay in Antarctica: "He seemed to specialize in building latrines. He built these incredible (...) structures with wind barriers, and they even had a pulley holder." It was a good feeling to settle down on such a "royal throne", West said in an interview.

West also spoke about a large amount of champagne that had been tasted from a veteran's prosthesis. He also confirmed that there had been parties with nude dancing. However, the prince had not taken part in these. The exact details that led to the break in contact are not conclusively resolved.

West and Prince Harry took part in the charity event "Walking With the Wounded" in December 2013, for which they walked more than 320 kilometers through Antarctica together with wounded veterans. In January 2014, they came together for a press conference to share their experiences. West enthused at the time: "Harry was an important part of the team. He's great." Perhaps the statements were ultimately too embarrassing even for Prince Harry.

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