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Departing from electric vehicles, unlawful migrants, and petroleum-based fuels, these are President Trump's major campaign pledges.

Hearing Donald Trump's campaign speeches nowadays feels like a time warp: The former US president espouses abandoning eco-friendly energy sources and recycling obsolete economic theories. Let's scrutinize his key election pledges.

Wahlkampfauftritt in der South Bronx: Eigentlich keine gute Gegend für Donald Trump
Wahlkampfauftritt in der South Bronx: Eigentlich keine gute Gegend für Donald Trump

Upcoming American voting process - Departing from electric vehicles, unlawful migrants, and petroleum-based fuels, these are President Trump's major campaign pledges.

In response to the ongoing lawsuit against Donald Trump for alleged election fraud, a jury has now been selected to make a decision on his guilt or innocence. While they are deliberating, Trump can now focus on his presidential campaign and its associated promises.

One such promise includes his attempt to undermine the sale of electric cars. He recently stated, at a campaign event in Ohio, that the deduction of part of the purchase cost for electric cars from taxes should be eliminated. "You won't be able to sell these cars anymore," he asserted. This decision seems to be motivated by his opposition to Joe Biden's focus on electric mobility and his loyalty to the oil and gas industry. However, this move could backfire, as the electric car industry is thriving and creating jobs in various parts of the country, especially in the southern states. This has even led to criticism from some of Trump's supporters.

Here are some of Trump's campaign slogans:

Energy Transition

Trump's main promise is to roll back Biden's plans for the energy transition. He wants the United States to become "the cheapest energy source in the world" by discovering new oil and gas fields and building corresponding power plants. Trump had even asked oil tycoons for $1 billion in donations for his energy policy. In his previous term, he had appointed Scott Pruitt, a climate change denier, as the environmental minister and abolished numerous climate and environmental protection regulations.

Trump also plans to dismantle Biden's "Inflation Reduction Act," which promotes the generation of green energy and provides subsidies for health insurance and drug supply.


Trump's slogan, "It's the economy, stupid," has remained a popular campaign theme. He has announced increased tariffs on Chinese and Mexican imports, as well as extending the tax cuts from his first term. The deficit from these tax cuts has reached record-breaking levels.

Additionally, Trump has claimed that the US Federal Reserve should be under the control of the White House. Experts argue that these notions are outdated and could lead to the same toxic inflation seen in the 1970s.

Trump's stance on the Ukraine conflict has fluctuated. He initially showed a lack of concern for the country's fate, but has since declared that Ukraine is vital for the US. He also wants Europe to contribute more monetarily to help the victims of Russian imperialism. Despite this, Trump still maintains that he could bring peace with his presidency.


On the topic of immigration, Trump has plans to deport millions of people who have entered the country illegally. While the exact number is unknown, he proposes deporting an estimated ten million people. His proposed solution involves using the National Guard, although he concedes that they may not be sufficient, in which case he would consider using the military.

Trump has referred to immigrants without permits as "not civilians," which would make the use of military force against them more palatable to him. In the past, he has spoken negatively about immigrants without permits, calling them "animals" who "poison the blood of our country."

The wall at the border with Mexico, which he promised during his first presidential campaign, is no longer mentioned. Instead, he is considering the construction of detention camps for migrants prior to their deportation.

Crime is another major campaign issue for Trump, despite there being no direct connection between crime and immigration. Trump often conflates the two topics, referring to "Biden-migrant crime." His solution is to deport the immigrants.

After he was nominated as the Republican presidential candidate in 2016, Trump said, "The Americans who follow this speech have seen the latest images of violence on our streets and the chaos in our communities. Many have experienced this violence personally, some have even been victims. The crime and violence plaguing our country will soon – and I mean very soon – come to an end. With my election, security will be restored."

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