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Depardieu threatened with revocation of the Legion of Honor

With dubious statements and partisanship, Gérard Depardieu has long since been sidelined. Added to this are accusations of sexual violence.

Gérard Depardieu has disqualified himself.
Gérard Depardieu has disqualified himself.

Actors - Depardieu threatened with revocation of the Legion of Honor

Gérard Depardieu (74) is threatened with the loss of the Legion of Honor, France's highest distinction. According to Culture Minister Rima Abdul-Malak, disciplinary proceedings have been initiated against the actor ("Cyrano"), she said on the television station "France 5". A council of the Order will meet to decide whether Depardieu should be stripped of his award, she explained. Depardieu was awarded the order in 1996.

On Friday, the Minister of Culture described the actor's comments in the television documentary about his trip to North Korea in 2018, which was broadcast at the beginning of December, as "disgusting". In it, he repeatedly makes misogynistic and questionable comments. In one scene, which shows him at a stud farm, he said that women like to ride because their clitoris rubs against the saddle. They are big sluts, he continued.

Depardieu has already been under investigation for allegations of rape since 2020. Another lawsuit against him for sexual abuse has been ongoing since mid-September. The incident is said to have taken place in 2007. Several women have accused the award-winning actor, who has appeared in over 200 films, of sexual violence, among other things. Depardieu completely denies the allegations.

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