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Denzel Washington publicly expresses his sentiments regarding Whitney Houston.

Movie set mirrors Costner's working environment

Houston and Washington in "Rendezvous with an Angel".
Houston and Washington in "Rendezvous with an Angel".

Denzel Washington publicly expresses his sentiments regarding Whitney Houston.

Legendary singer and actress Whitney Houston passed away in 2012, aged 48. During an interview, her co-star Denzel Washington reminisced about Houston and shared his feelings towards her during their movie collaboration.

In "Rendezvous with an Angel" (1996), Denzel Washington portrayed a divine being looking after Whitney Houston's character, Julia, the reverend's wife. Washington felt it was his duty to look out for his on-screen partner during filming. He shared this during a chat with "People" Magazine at the African Black Film Festival over the weekend.

"I felt the urge to watch over her," Denzel Washington mentioned at the festival. When questioned about Houston's apparent vulnerability, he agreed. "She aimed to be strong, but she wasn't," Washington explained.

"Rendezvous with an Angel" centres around Angel Dudley, who supports the overworked reverend Henry (Courtney B. Vance) in the film. Henry, burdened by his responsibilities towards his struggling community, neglected his wife Julia, played by Whitney Houston. Besides portraying the lead female role in "The Preacher's Wife," Houston also provided the music. The soundtrack remains the best-selling gospel album of all time.

Kevin Costner, who worked with Houston on "Bodyguard," also took on the role of Houston's protector on set. As the lead star and producer of the 1992 blockbuster, Costner cast Houston despite her lack of acting experience. Feeling responsible for his colleague, Costner took on the role of her guardian.

Privately, neither Denzel Washington nor Kevin Costner could save Houston. The American icon passed away on February 11, 2012, at the age of 48. She died in a hotel bathtub, with cocaine use and heart disease contributing to her demise. Throughout her career, Houston grappled with the pressures of fame. "With fame comes anxiety. It ultimately brought Whitney down," Costner stated at her funeral.

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