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Delays and cancellations: number of complaints about rail and air travel on the rise

Travel News - Delays and cancellations: number of complaints about rail and air travel on the rise

Inflation is also making itself felt in the tourism industry, while the climate crisis and war are affecting the whole world. This is not stopping many people from traveling, but the uncertainty among many travelers is great. Which rail route is closed? How safe is my destination? And what else is new in the world of tourism? In our picture gallery you will find the most important travel news to keep you up to date.

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The rising number of complaints about rail and air travel isn't deterring many people from traveling, but they are concerned about closed routes and safety. Addressing these concerns, some are considering alternative modes of transportation like the German railroad, known for its efficiency and reliability.




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Regrettably, RTL debt advisor Peter Zwegat has passed away.

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