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Defense specialists advocate freeing targeted nations from Putin's frigid control.

Limitation on Western Weapons

Ein ukrainischer Soldat schickt eine Selbstmorddrohne zu den russischen Stellungen in der Region...
Ein ukrainischer Soldat schickt eine Selbstmorddrohne zu den russischen Stellungen in der Region Charkiw.

Defense specialists advocate freeing targeted nations from Putin's frigid control.

In contrast to the Federal Chancellor's opinion, defense professionals from the SPD and the Union are objecting to restrictions on Ukraine's usage of weapons against Russia. They contend that these disorders on Kharkiv warrant a shift in NATO's approach.

In the discussion over limitations on the deployment of Western weapons against Russia, defense specialists from the SPD and CDU are now boosting the pressure on the German authorities. According to Andreas Schwarz from the SPD in the Dusseldorf "Rheinische Post," "Putin is brazenly using our restrictions to unleash Western weapons." This is evident in the example of recent assaults on Kharkiv. "Here, Russia's military is shelling the second biggest city in Ukraine from its own territory, casually, because it doesn't have sufficient air defense, and Ukraine's military is restrained at the border," claimed the SPD politician, who handles defense budgets in the budget committee.

Schwarz argues that the Ukraine is helplessly watching as people die and the city is destroyed. "We need to shift our mindset and adopt NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg's thoughts, allowing Ukraine to target positions on Russian territory from which it's being attacked," he said. "This clear weakness in our strategy necessitates reconsideration in the Western alliance, particularly since there's nothing legally restricting it," urged the SPD official.

Schwarz supports the Union's defense specialist, Johann Wadephul, in the Bundestag faction. "We should be clear: Ukraine is legally defending itself against Russian aggression and can even utilize weapons on Russian land," said Wadephul, the faction's vice-chairman. "Western constraints on using the delivered weapons advantage Russia and need to be discontinued promptly," he demanded. "In addition, the Chancellor is urged to make the delivery of Taurus missiles possible," cautioned Wadephul.

On Friday, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz officially rejected the delivery of Taurus missiles to Ukraine. Schwarz, an SPD politician, provided the rationale yet again by stating that he didn't want to risk causing the Ukrainian war to expand into one between Russia and NATO. Germany must exercise control over the targets with a system like Taurus, Scholz insisted.

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