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Dealing with authorities in Germany takes an average of two hours and 21 minutes

Bitkom survey

With the "BundID", citizens should be able to deal with authorities digitally more
With the "BundID", citizens should be able to deal with authorities digitally more

Dealing with authorities in Germany takes an average of two hours and 21 minutes

Dealing with the authorities in Germany takes an average of two hours and 21 minutes. This is according to a survey published in Berlin on Wednesday by the digital association Bitkom. According to the survey, around 57 minutes are spent traveling to and from the office, 48 minutes waiting on site and 36 minutes dealing with the issue itself. According to the survey, people in rural areas have to plan the most time.

As the survey showed, the times hardly differ between smaller and larger cities. The average time required to visit the authorities in a large city is around two hours and 18 minutes. In a small town with 5,000 to 20,000 inhabitants, it takes around two hours 21 minutes to visit the authorities. In medium-sized towns, it takes two hours and 20 minutes.

In contrast, people who live in a rural community with fewer than 5,000 inhabitants need more time. On average, they need two hours and 33 minutes to visit the authorities. The main reason for this was the longer average travel times before and after visiting the authorities.

Around half of those surveyed (51 percent) also stated that they had experienced difficulties in making appointments. For 16 percent, finding an appointment was rather difficult, for 35 percent it was even very difficult.

"The aim must be to handle all contacts with authorities digitally in the future," explained Bitkom President Ralf Wintergerst. "This would save people in Germany a lot of time." It would also greatly reduce the "workload at the authorities", added Wintergerst. Around a thousand adults in Germany were surveyed for the association's representative survey.

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The survey revealed that visiting authorities in larger cities in Germany typically takes around 18 minutes less than in smaller cities. Despite these differences, the time spent traveling to and from the office accounts for a significant portion of the overall time, often exceeding half an hour. The Bitkom survey also highlighted that nearly half of the respondents encountered challenges in scheduling appointments with the authorities.


