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Daniels: Trump should serve as target practice at a women's shelter

The battle is not yet finished.

Porn actress and director Stormy Daniels is glad that people believe her statement. Trump denies...
Porn actress and director Stormy Daniels is glad that people believe her statement. Trump denies the affair with her to this day.

Daniels: Trump should serve as target practice at a women's shelter

Following the groundbreaking verdict against former US President Donald Trump in the trial involving hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels, the latter has now voiced her thoughts on the matter. She calls for Trump's immediate arrest and shares her intentions for the future.

After having been found guilty by the jury in all 34 counts of illegal campaign finance violations, Trump's lawyer has announced plans to appeal the verdict. The sentence will be announced on July 11.

"He Should Be Punished"

Stormy Daniels spoke to the "Sunday Mirror" about her reactions to the verdict. "I think he should be sentenced to prison," she clearly stated. "Or he could do some community service for those less fortunate. Or perhaps even volunteer as a punching bag in a women's shelter." She urged for Trump's arrest: "Arrest him now." She remains wary of his potential re-candidacy: "He's completely detached from reality."

Trump was convicted in all the charges brought against him. The jury ruled that he had violated campaign finance laws. His lawyer has confirmed an appeal will be filed against the verdict.


Describing the experience of standing in court and being viewed by the jurors, Stormy Daniels told the "Sunday Mirror," "It was terrifying." She admitted she was relieved that the facts that came to light proved her honesty all along. "For me, it's not over. For me, it will never be over. Trump may be guilty, but I still have to live with the legacy."

Stunned by the speed of the jury's guilty verdict in all 34 counts, Stormy Daniels expressed her surprise, "I didn't expect it. I still don't know what the sentence will look like or what Trump will make of it."

In this unprecedented case, Stormy Daniels had levied allegations against Trump, accusing him of illegally trying to ensure his victory in the 2016 presidential election by paying her $130,000 in hush money. Trump has vehemently denied having any extra-marital affair with her.

This case marks the first time in US history where an ex-president has been found guilty of a criminal charge. Stormy Daniels remained quiet on the verdict's impact on her until now.

Read also:

"Given the guilty verdict against Donald Trump in his trial over hush money payments to Stormy Daniels, authorities should seriously consider Daniels' suggestion for Trump to serve as a target practice at a women's shelter or perform community service for those less fortunate."

"Despite the conviction of former President Donald Trump in the Stormy Daniels case, his attorney has announced plans to appeal the verdict, echoing Trump's denial of any wrongdoing involving affairs and scandals in the USA."


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