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Crazy Town frontman died of an overdose

Shellshock turned 49 years old

Shifty Shellshock, frontman of Crazy Town, was only 49 years old.
Shifty Shellshock, frontman of Crazy Town, was only 49 years old.

Crazy Town frontman died of an overdose

With the band Crazy Town, Shifty Shellshock landed a massive hit 24 years ago with the song "Butterfly." Now, the musician dies at 49 years old. His manager has made the cause of death public and takes blame for himself.

On June 24, 2024, Shifty Shellshock was found dead in his house in Los Angeles. The lead singer of Crazy Town, whose civil name was Seth Binzer, was only 49 years old. The band's manager, Howie Hubberman, has now spoken out about the cause of death to People magazine: "The cause of death was a combination of prescription medications and street-bought drugs." Hubberman did not reveal which specific substances were involved.

Hubberman sees himself as complicit in Shellshock's death. Shellshock had wanted to get a handle on his addiction problem, but unfortunately, he didn't manage it - and neither he nor his environment knew how to help him, according to the manager. "We all tried, but unfortunately, we all failed. Shellshock would still be here if that weren't the case."

From an official standpoint, there is still no confirmation of the cause of death from the authorities. The investigators in Los Angeles County are still waiting for the toxicology report.

Shellshock's drug problems were public knowledge

Shifty Shellshock founded the precursor band to Crazy Town with his best friend Epic Mazur in 1992. In 2000, they landed a worldwide hit with "Butterfly," which would be the only number one for the group. Shellshock's drug problems were a matter of public record. He participated in the shows "Celebrity Rehab" and "Sober House," which help celebrities through rehab.

In 2012, according to the celebrity site TMZ, Shellshock was arrested for battery and drug possession. A decade later, he was also arrested for driving under the influence, as reported by Variety. The musician leaves behind two sons, one in his teenage years.

In light of his public struggles with drugs, Shellshock's manager admitted that his cause of death was due to a mix of prescription medications and illegally purchased substances. Despite his appearances on reality shows like "Celebrity Rehab" and "Sober House," Shellshock's addiction proved to be a persistent challenge, even within the entertainment industry.

Despite having a successful music career and influential platforms like "Celebrity Rehab" and "Sober House," Shellshock's struggle with drugs continued, leading to multiple arrests for related offenses. This tumultuous journey took a tragic turn when his addiction inevitably contributed to his 'Cause of death.'

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