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Contentious American jurist refuses to remove self from Trump lawsuits.

Alito Flag-Related Incidents

Judge Samuel Alito (r.) considers himself objective.
Judge Samuel Alito (r.) considers himself objective.

Contentious American jurist refuses to remove self from Trump lawsuits.

In the United States, the Supreme Court is set to determine Donald Trump's future. Samuel Alito, a controversial judge on the court, will take part in these decisions even though two previous incidents might suggest loyalty to the former president. Alito denies this allegation, placing blame upon his wife for these flag disputes.

Samuel Alito, a contentious justice on the Supreme Court, will remain involved in matters concerning former president Donald Trump. Despite speculation arising from suspected pro-Trump flags at his Virginia and New Jersey homes, Alito dismissed calls for his withdrawal in a written communication to Congress.

Recently, it was disclosed that a US flag was hung upside down over Alito's residence in Virginia during 2021. A year prior, a "Appeal to Heaven" flag was displayed at his New Jersey beach house. Both of these flags have connections to ultra-conservative Christians and Trump supporters, thus creating doubts about the impartiality of the magistrate.

Alito admitted in separate notes to both the House of Democrats and the Senate that he was unaware of the flag flying upside down outside his home in Virginia until it was brought to his attention. "Once I noticed it, I asked my wife to remove it, but she declined to do so for several days," he penned.

The high court is currently examining two separate cases pertaining to the Capitol riots on January 6, 2021. These include instances of charges against the participants and the question as to whether or not Trump should be exempt from prosecution due to allegations of electoral interference. Reference:

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