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Comic completes PEGOT challenge.

Mel Brooks was granted a Peabody Award for his entire body of work, earning him the title of "PEGOT" at the age of 97.

Mel Brooks, pictured here in 2018, has received a prestigious Peabody Award for his lifetime...
Mel Brooks, pictured here in 2018, has received a prestigious Peabody Award for his lifetime achievement.

Mel Brooks is a renowned filmmaker known for his comedic style. - Comic completes PEGOT challenge.

Comedy icon Mel Brooks, age 97, earned a highly-regarded Peabody Award. At the 84th Peabody Awards ceremony on June 9 in Beverly Hills, Billy Crystal, also a well-known comedian and actor (age 76), presented Brooks with the award for his lifetime accomplishments. This recognition elevated Brooks to "PEGOT" status, a rare achievement that includes winning an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony. He has held the "EGOT" title since 2001.

Brooks Joins a Rare Club of Individuals with "PEGOT" status

Mel Brooks, known for his work in film, stage, music, and television, has reached an even more prestigious milestone. He joins a select group of people, including Barbra Streisand, Rita Moreno, and Mike Nichols, who have earned the "PEGOT" title. Only 20 individuals have achieved this level of distinction.

The exclusive nature of the Peabody Awards is what makes this accolade particularly noteworthy. Popularity or commercial success do not significantly influence winners. Earlier this year, Mel Brooks received an honorary Oscar. In 1969, he won his only regular Academy Award for "The Producers." In 2001, he received three Tony Awards for the musical adaptation of the film "Springtime for Hitler," completing his "EGOT" standing.

(Please note that this text has been paraphrased while maintaining its original informal, engaging tone and structure.)

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