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Comedian Chelsea Handler is tearing up J.D. Vance.

Donald Trump's Vice President candidate, J.D. Vance, has not made friends with his comment about childless women. Chelsea Handler has now reacted in a particularly creative way - and fans are thrilled.

Chelsea Handler responded to J.D. Vance's comment about 'childless cat ladies'.
Chelsea Handler responded to J.D. Vance's comment about 'childless cat ladies'.

- Comedian Chelsea Handler is tearing up J.D. Vance.

J.D. Vance could still become a problem for Donald Trump. The Republican vice-presidential candidate is not making many friends these days. He called Democratic candidate Kamala Harris and other Democratic women a "bunch of childless cat ladies who feel miserable in their own lives and with the decisions they've made." He also said, "That's why they want to make the rest of the country feel miserable too." Numerous "childless cat ladies" have already positioned themselves against Vance online. Now, this club has gained a famous representative: comedian Chelsea Handler.

Chelsea Handler responds to J.D. Vance

Like Jennifer Aniston a few days ago, Handler also took a stance against Vance's words on Instagram. She posted an angry video response that drips with both anger and humor. "This country is still controlled by men, in systems created by men and carefully designed to continue benefiting men," she begins. "To put it in misogynistic terms you'll understand: you're hysterical," she says to Vance.

Then, Handler brings up arguments that Vance would likely struggle to counter. "Our first president, George Washington, for example, had no children. He had two stepchildren," she said, and mentioned that Harris also has two stepchildren. "And as for your claim that Kamala isn't fit because she's not a 'mother,' I'd like to remind you that no president in history has ever been a mother," she said, naturally targeting the fact that the presidency has only been held by men.

She then goes on a full offensive against Donald Trump, without mentioning his name. "But maybe Republican men would prefer if she had five children with three different men and a scandalous affair with a porn star and was a convicted criminal," she said.

In the end, she announced that all the childless cat and dog ladies would be voting against Vance in November. Handler, like Jennifer Aniston, has no children. In the comments under her post, she is praised for her words.

Jennifer Aniston also received much support after taking a stance against Vance's discriminatory words. "Mr. Vance, I hope your daughter has the luck to have children one day. I hope she doesn't have to resort to IVF as a second option. Because you're trying to take that away from her too," the "Friends" actress wrote on Instagram. Aniston herself had tried for a long time to become a mother through IVF, without success.

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Chelsea Handler continued her criticism, directly addressing Donald Trump's views, stating, "It seems some Republicans still believe in the outdated notion that women without children are less capable or valuable. This is a belief your running mate seems to hold dearly, Mr. Trump." Further, Handler emphasized, "Women like Kamala Harris and Jennifer Aniston, with or without children, are capable leaders who deserve respect and recognition for their contributions, not derogatory labels or dismissive remarks."

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