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Clothing mishap and chancellor with an eye patch: how Silbereisen's Advent show went

For the 20th time, Florian Silbereisen hosted the "Advent Festival of 100,000 Lights" on ARD. Guests included stars such as Andrea Berg, Maite Kelly and Barbara Schöneberger. The latter had to struggle with a wardrobe malfunction.

"The Advent Festival of 100,000 Lights": Barbara Schöneberger in her improvised
"The Advent Festival of 100,000 Lights": Barbara Schöneberger in her improvised

ARD program - Clothing mishap and chancellor with an eye patch: how Silbereisen's Advent show went

For the 20th time, presenter and musician Florian Silbereisen presented his "Advent Festival of 100,000 Lights" on ARD on Saturday evening and welcomed stars such as Andrea Berg, Roland Kaiser and Maite Kelly to the stage. However, there was a minor mishap right at the beginning of the show.

Presenter Barbara Schöneberger sang the song "Es schneit" together with Silbereisen and a children's choir. During her performance, Schöneberger wore a pompous red dress. But it apparently only lasted a few minutes. "I pulled the skirt over it because it tore underneath," she revealed. Schöneberger briefly lifted the dress to prove it: A tight skirt with a slit was revealed. During another performance, the 49-year-old sang the classic "In der Weihnachtsbäckerei" together with Silbereisen - and wore a long apron over the torn skirt for safety.

Florian Silbereisen thanks Mireille Mathieu

Things got emotional when Florian Silbereisen greeted the French world star Mireille Mathieu. Silbereisen felt a special debt of gratitude to the 77-year-old. Mathieu had always stood by his side, the presenter explained, visibly moved. "She has been my lucky charm since my first Saturday night show. When many people didn't believe in me, she supported me." To thank her, Silbereisen took out his accordion and performed the Christmas classic "Heidschi Bumbeidschi" in a duet with Mireille Mathieu.

There was also a declaration of love after pop singer Michelle's performance with her new partner Eric Philippi: "We've had a lot of headwind for our love in the last six months," said the 51-year-old. "We wanted to make a statement that it doesn't matter who you love, what you love, how you are or how you are not. But that everything is right and that there is simply no wrong."

Designer Guido Maria Kretschmer read the Christmas story "The Lonely Lace" during the show. He did so in the contemplative light of a real candle, which he came alarmingly close to in the subsequent conversation with Silbereisen. "Careful, don't light your suit on fire," said the presenter in time to prevent a second clothing mishap.

Andy Borg gets a chancellor with an eye patch

Florian Silbereisen had a special gift for singer Andy Borg. The 63-year-old collects incense smokers and owns over 200 of them. Silbereisen presented him with a figurine depicting Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz with an eye patch. Even though the politician hasn't worn an eye patch for a long time, the "special edition Olaf with eye patch" went down well with Borg.

In terms of ratings, however, Florian Silbereisen had to admit defeat to the competition from ZDF. While 5.03 million people watched his"Advent Festival", 6.16 million watched the crime series "Ein starkes Team" on the second channel.

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