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Climate activist goes to prison for nine months for rail blockade

She had chained herself to rails and thus prevented deliveries to the Neurath coal-fired power plant: A climate activist has been sentenced to a prison sentence without probation by the Grevenbroich district court.

A group of climate activists blocked the tracks to the Neurat coal-fired power plant in
A group of climate activists blocked the tracks to the Neurat coal-fired power plant in early November 2021. A 38-year-old woman is now to be imprisoned for several months for her participation in the

North Rhine-Westphalia - Climate activist goes to prison for nine months for rail blockade

The Grevenbroich district court has sentenced a climate activist to nine months in prison without probation for blocking tracks at a coal-fired power plant in North Rhine-Westphalia. However, the decision is not yet legally binding, a spokesperson for the Mönchengladbach district court announced on Tuesday. The public prosecutor's office had charged the 38-year-old with disrupting public businesses and resisting law enforcement officers.

Climate activist chained herself to rails

According to the indictment, the activist from Kiel, together with other climate activists, blocked the tracks leading to the Neurath coal-fired power plant near Rommerskirchen on November 5, 2021. She is said to have plastered her arms in an arm tube, chained them in the tube with a lock and fastened them under the rail.

The woman had not complied with the police's request to clear the tracks. The fastening therefore had to be loosened using technical equipment. Because of the blockade, rail operations had to be stopped for the whole day, which meant that the power station was not supplied with coal. Damage amounting to almost one and a half million euros was incurred.

Read also:

  1. The coal-fired power plant located in Neurath, which is part of the Grevenbroich district in North Rhine-Westphalia, witnessed a significant disruption last November 5th, as climate activists blocked its rail access from Rommerskirchen.
  2. The woman involved in this act of civil disobedience, hailing from Kiel, had chained herself to the rails, causing a nine-month imprisonment sentence without probation at the Grevenbroich district court for disrupting public businesses and resisting law enforcement officers.
  3. Despite the legal proceedings, North Rhine-Westphalia's climate activism has not slowed down, with numerous organizations and individuals continuing to advocate for environmental protection and climate action amidst growing awareness of the climate crisis's impacts on the region.


