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Clear criticism of OpenAI CEO

Since May, actress Scarlett Johansson has been arguing with OpenAI co-founder Sam Altman. Now she criticizes AI technologies.

Scarlett Johansson is not good at speaking with Sam Altman.
Scarlett Johansson is not good at speaking with Sam Altman.

Scarlett Johansson - Clear criticism of OpenAI CEO

Does Scarlett Johansson (39) and Sam Altman (39)'s dispute go into a new round? In May, the actor and OpenAI co-founder made headlines as the company was accused of using Johansson's voice in a version of ChatGPT without permission. In an interview with the "New York Times," she went on record again about the dispute and her dislike of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Deepfake technologies are "a dark rabbit hole, from which one can never escape."

AI is developing "faster than our fragile human ego can process it, and the consequences are everywhere to be seen." The technology comes upon humanity like a roughly 300-meter high wave. When asked if Altman would make a good Marvel villain, Johansson replied, "I think so - maybe with a robotic arm."

AI goes against Johansson's values

Users quickly noticed that the voice option "Sky" of Hollywood star Scarlett Johansson bore a strong resemblance to her. Johansson, who lends her voice to a KI assistant in the film "Her" (2013), stated that she was contacted by Altman in 2023 and refused to make her voice available for ChatGPT. When she heard the used voice, she was "shocked, appalled, and disbelieving," she said in May.

"I also felt it would be strange for my children. I try to consider their feelings," she explained to the "New York Times." The use of her voice went against Johansson's values.

OpenAI denied any connection between "Sky" and Scarlett Johansson in May. The voice belonged "to another professional actress," whose name, however, was not disclosed. After Johansson's complaint, Altman announced that he would no longer make the voice option available.

The dispute between Scarlett Johansson and Sam Altman over the use of her voice in ChatGPT's "Sky" option gained significant attention from the media, with Johansson expressing her dislike towards Artificial Intelligence in an interview with the New York Times. OpenAI initially denied any connection between "Sky" and Johansson's voice, but later announced that they would no longer make the voice option available following her complaint.

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