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Clear communication challenges millions.

Brief phrases, easy vocabulary

Leichte Sprache ist ein Schlüssel für eine inklusive Kommunikation.
Leichte Sprache ist ein Schlüssel für eine inklusive Kommunikation.

Clear communication challenges millions.

Simple German, that's difficult to understand in healthcare and politics and full of jargon: It's simpler, many say - and demand more plain language. What is it, how does it work, and who benefits from it?

Easy Language is not simple. On the contrary: Formulating complex texts in plain language can be quite demanding. Experts and advocates argue that plain language is important, logical, and beneficial for millions of people in Germany who often struggle due to language barriers. On the International Plain Language Day on May 28, many stakeholders are calling for more offers in easily understandable language - and point to numerous projects.

Easy Language is considered the key to inclusive communication, giving those with reading and writing difficulties the opportunity to participate and make decisions, as Life Help NRW describes. The target audience includes people with intellectual disabilities or dementia, people with learning disabilities or limited German skills - and everyone who has trouble understanding complex texts, such as bureaucratic writing. Easy Language is underused. "We therefore appeal to authorities and private companies to prioritize plain language communication for all."

Interpreter Anne Leichtfuss, one of the few people in Germany who can translate simultaneously in Easy Language, explains: "Easy Language is language that everyone can understand. Even complex things can be explained in Easy Language." She is convinced: A communication in Easy Language can be useful for many people in many places. It is complex to file a tax return or apply for housing benefits. "If that could be simplified, it would save many people a lot of time and energy."

Easy Language is not a protected term. The Plain Language Network - a Berlin-based network - has made recommendations. Avoid foreign and technical terms or long sentences. For example, instead of "professional rehabilitation after an accident," one could write: "learn a new job after an accident." It is important that people who use Easy Language are involved in the testing of texts for their understanding. The Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs has created a guide together with the network. More and more institutions, authorities, or ministries are also offering information in Easy Language.

There's still a long way to go

"In Germany, there is currently no clear and binding law on the topic of Easy Language," criticizes Leichtfuß. According to studies, there are about 14 million people in Germany who need a simple or easy-to-understand language. The offer is still too small and thematically limited. "People from the target group still have no legal right to Easy Language in everyday life - at the doctor's office, at work, or in the media."

Inquiries to Leichtfuß come from museum tours, members' meetings, conferences, or even for web videos or audio guides, they are becoming more diverse. In the field of simultaneous, oral translation, the need for Easy Language interpreters is immense. "We are about ten people nationwide. Of course, we cannot cover the existing demand nationwide."

The sentences are short. In each sentence, there is only one piece of information, explains Leichtfuß. Complex words and abbreviations are explained. In their test team, there are people from the target group. As a rule, the Cologne linguist Bettina Bock describes: "As simple as necessary and as understandable as possible." The texts should be immediately recognized by the target group, but the simplification should also be "as inconspicuous as possible" so that they do not offer stigmatization potential. Thus, there should not be too many repetitions, and it should not be overly simplified. Even from the target group itself, there is sometimes the critical remark of "child language." It takes a lot of skill in phrasing - whoever uses LS doesn't want to and shouldn't be labeled as "unintelligent."

The fear that the richness of the language could be lost is unfounded, says Leichtfuß. On the contrary, it can add something: "If you ask so that everyone can understand the question, then you get various, multi-faceted answers." In addition, Easy Language is usually intended as an additional offer. Leichtfuß holds workshops, in her Easy Language test team are people from the target group. And she supports the editorial team of the magazine "Ohrenkuss" - all authors and authors have Down syndrome. Easy Language in written form can be learned from various providers, but not oral translation, regrets the Bonn woman.

There is a legitimate claim to Easy Language. There is already a larger offer of texts and materials in Easy Language, but: "There should be more of it, and above all, the quality should often be better," demands the expert, who has written several books on the topic. "There are unfortunately many poorly made texts." She makes it clear: "Easy Language is very demanding, the target group is very diverse. The more accurately one knows the addressees of the text, the more targeted and better one can formulate in Simple German." If a text in Easy Language is well made, a variant in standard language can be created.

Over the past few years, there has been a significant increase in research on LS (light language), drawing attention to it in public consciousness, according to Bock. Additionally, LS has generated much debate, especially on social media, where people discuss the decline of language and culture and question what future lies ahead for the nation of poets and intellectuals.

Anne Leichtfuß arbeitet mit Autorin Anna-Lisa Plettenberg (l), Autor Julian Göpel (M.) an einer Ausgabe der Zeitschrift
Anne Leichtfuß (l) ist Simultan-Dolmetscherin für Leichte Sprache, hier sitzt sie in einer Übersetzerkabine.

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People with disabilities, such as individuals with intellectual disabilities or limited German skills, can significantly benefit from the use of Easy Language in healthcare, politics, and other domains. International organizations recognize the importance of Easy Language and celebrate International Plain Language Day to promote its use worldwide.




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