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Christmas party until 6 a.m.: Amira Pocher lets it rip, her ex was there too

In her podcast, Amira Pocher talks about the difficult birth of her child and a wild Christmas party. Sideswipes at her ex included.

Amira Pocher and Oliver Pocher have also been discussing their separation in public for
Amira Pocher and Oliver Pocher have also been discussing their separation in public for

Podcast "Dear Life" - Christmas party until 6 a.m.: Amira Pocher lets it rip, her ex was there too

In the podcast "Liebes Leben" (exclusively on Podimo) by Amira Pocher and her brother Hima, the siblings repeatedly touch on the topic of the Pocher break-up. Especially between the lines. The podcaster leaves no doubt that Amira Pocher is now fully back in life. For example, the siblings discuss the "legendary" Christmas party the day before the recording: "We had a lot of fun," reports Amira while she waits for her food order to combat the hangover.

Apparently Oliver Pocher was also there, "who looked surprised when I was suddenly sitting there". But that didn't dampen Amira's party mood. Her brother, who unlike her doesn't drink alcohol, is a little more specific: "I saw you dancing alone on the stairs at some point, you made new friends, you sang along ..." They went on to sing "Last Christmas" together and in between desperately searched for Amira's cell phone, which they thought had gone missing. The 31-year-old admits that she wasn't in bed until six o'clock. And sums up with a laugh: "I never go to parties, but it was definitely worth it."

Amira Pocher now protects her heart "very well"

The 5th episode also deals with Amira's love life in her teenage years. Her first great love was "an asshole", she reports. After a few months of dating, he told her he had to go abroad for his military service. A few days later, she saw him hand in hand with a friend. It took her years to come to terms with it, says Amira. She continues: "The man broke my heart into pieces back then. That can't happen to me today. I protect myself very well."

And that's not the only dig at past partners: looking ahead to an upcoming "encounter" with the father of her children, Amira Pocher sighs: "It's going to be very, very exciting." And: "I hope everyone will be under control, I hope it will all be harmonious."

Amira Pocher almost bled to death during her second birth

Finally, the siblings also discuss the pregnancy and birth of Amira's children. "I hated being pregnant. You put on weight, your back hurts, the heartburn, you can't fit in anywhere ...", recalls the mother of two. She also almost bled to death during the second birth because her caesarean scar from the first birth had "torn open piece by piece". "That was really ... I really, really lost a lot of blood and it could have all gone wrong." Nevertheless, she could imagine having another child "if everything fits ...".

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