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Christmas on "Bares für Rares": Christmas tree decorations trigger bidding war

More than 100-year-old Christmas tree candles warmed the hearts of the dealers on "Bares für Rares" - and gave the sellers a pre-Christmas treat.

Jos van Katwijk, Fabian Kahl and Daniel Meyer (from left) inspect old Christmas tree candles
Jos van Katwijk, Fabian Kahl and Daniel Meyer (from left) inspect old Christmas tree candles on "Bares für Rares"

ZDF junk show - Christmas on "Bares für Rares": Christmas tree decorations trigger bidding war

As Anke Kraus-Geppert and Andreas Kraus approach the Pulheim rolling mill, "Last Christmas" is playing. And with good reason: the couple from Limbach-Oberfrohna in Saxony have more than 100-year-old Christmas tree lights in their luggage, which they found in the attic and now want to sell on"Bares für Rares".

Colmar Schulte-Goltz explains how the candles work. They consist of a small glass tube that can be hung in the tree. Petroleum can be filled into the tubes, and the expert explains that they burn for around seven hours, "after which even the most beautiful Christmas Eve will be over at some point". Presenter Horst Lichter is enthusiastic about the old lights.

"Bares für Rares": the dealers are thrilled

Based on the packaging, Schulte-Goltz dates the date of manufacture to 1910. The couple would like around 10 euros per candle, which gives a total price of 150 euros for the set. The expert goes even further: he estimates the value at between 150 and 220 euros.

In the dealer's room, Fabian Kahl, Daniel Meyer and Jos van Katwijk agree that these are special pieces. "I've never seen anything like this before," says Kahl. The interest is also reflected in the bids: Meyer starts with 100 euros, but Kahl and von Katwijk also bid. While Susanne Steiger and Sarah Schreiber remain silent, the three men go into a bidding frenzy. They soon beat the estimated value, with the highest bid coming in at 480 euros. Fabian Kahl wins the bid for this sum.

The sellers can hardly believe their luck: "I'm really pleased that old things like this are so appreciated," says Andreas Kraus afterwards.

Watch the video: "Bares für Rares": Exciting and curious facts about the jumble sale show on ZDF.

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