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Christmas miracle: "SchleFaZ" switches to Nitro

Cultural format on RTL from 2024

In the future, they will take apart the best worst movies of all time on RTL: Oliver Kalkofe
In the future, they will take apart the best worst movies of all time on RTL: Oliver Kalkofe and Peter Rü

Christmas miracle: "SchleFaZ" switches to Nitro

There was great sadness in the loyal fan community: after eleven years, the "SchleFaZ" project on Tele 5 comes to an end. Oliver Kalkofe and Peter Rütten celebrate the "Worst Films of All Time" for the last time with a big party. And at the end they can announce a real "Christmas miracle": It will go on.

The cult format"The Worst Films of All Time", or "SchleFaz" for short, will remain for the loyal fans! After the forced departure from Tele 5, it will continue on RTL's Nitro channel and the RTL+ streaming platform from fall 2024.

Visibly moved, Oliver Kalkofe and Peter Rütten presented the 164th action hit "Hard Ticket to Hawaii", billed as the last worst film of all time, to a live audience in Berlin's Fontane Haus on Friday evening. After more than two hours, the "Christmas miracle" happened: Kalkofe and Rütten raffled off tickets for the 2024 "SchleFaZ" tour through all German states after the screening of the film. The golden tickets were presented to the chosen ones by "Die Ärzte" drummer Bela B. In the end, it was a "fan" from Cologne who brought his entire entourage on stage with him and was handed a microphone to tell how he felt about the evening. And he did, but in a different way than expected.

Ten new "SchleFaZ" episodes

The man is Oliver Schablitzki, Executive Vice President Multichannel at RTL Germany, and he was able to announce what fans, presenters Kalkofe and Rütten and their team had been hoping for so eagerly: "SchleFaZ" has found a new home. The cult format is moving from Tele 5 to RTL, specifically to the special-interest channel Nitro - niche, as it should be. From next fall, ten new episodes will be shown there and on the RTL streaming platform RTL . The channel has now released a first trailer for the new season, which was presented to the live audience on Friday evening.

Of course, this "Christmas miracle" did not come as a complete surprise, as Kalkofe confessed. The contracts had been signed the day before, he proudly announced. "I am overjoyed that our wonderfully crazy show can now continue after its temporary end," said Kalkofe. "We have the best and most loyal fans in the world and in Nitro and RTL+ we have found the ideal partners for our creative ideas." Peter Rütten is "incredibly grateful that we can present our wonderful fans with a real and unexpected Christmas miracle just in time for the festive season: Fucking Hell - yes, it goes on!"

Read also:

  1. Fans of "SchleFaZ" can still enjoy the entertaining format on RTL's Nitro channel and the RTL+ streaming platform, as the "Worst Films of All Time" will continue from fall 2024.
  2. The cult series "SchleFaZ" has found a new home on RTL's special-interest channel Nitro, and ten new episodes will be released on Nitro and the RTL streaming platform for fans to enjoy.
  3. In a surprise announcement, RTL's Executive Vice President Multichannel Oliver Schablitzki revealed that "SchleFaZ" will continue with ten new episodes on RTL's Nitro channel and the RTL+ streaming platform, providing fans with a much-anticipated Christmas gift.


