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Christmas market classic racist? Historian outraged by Lumumba

The hot chocolate with a shot, which is one of the classics at the Christmas market, is currently causing controversy online. This is because a historian has pointed out that the name Lumumba is racist. The reactions are divided.

Lumumba is a popular drink at Christmas markets - and this is not the first time it has
Lumumba is a popular drink at Christmas markets - and this is not the first time it has been

Discussions on the net - Christmas market classic racist? Historian outraged by Lumumba

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Historian and former Green Party city councillor Annalena Schmidt has added fuel to the debate about the name of the drink Lumumba. She says the name is racist. On X (formerly Twitter) she writes: "Patrice Lumumba stands for the independence movement in Africa! He was shot! And you name 'cocoa with a shot' after him!"

Da gerade Weihnachtsmärkte starten und Kakao mit Rum als "Lumumba" verkauft wird: Die Bezeichnung des Getränks ist rassistisch!

Patrice Lumumba steht für die Unabhängigkeitsbewegung in Afrika! Er wurde erschossen!

Und ihr benennt "Kakao mit Schuss" nach ihm!

— Annalena Schmidt (@Schmanle) December 2, 2023

This is not the first time Lumumba has been discussed

In fact, she is not the first person to point out the seemingly problematic naming of the popular Christmas drink. Back in 2011, Cameroon-born journalist and media critic Simon Inou, who now lives in Austria, said that the name Lumumba was racist. This was confirmed last year by Tahir Deller, press spokesman for the Initiative of Black People in Germany, in an interview with WDR.

Nevertheless, you can still order the drink Lumumba at many Christmas markets. And there is also disagreement in the post by historian Annalena Schmidt. While some are shocked by the background of the drink or wish that it was no longer sold under the name, others cannot understand the criticism.

They say, for example, that "nobody (...) drinks a cocoa with a shot with racist ulterior motives" and that it is not necessary to "associate everything with racism". However, Tahir Deller, press spokesperson for the Initiative of Black People in Germany, said back in 2022 that it was not just a racist intention that was problematic. Because the naming would "degrade black people (...) to objects." But who was Patrice Lumumba anyway?

Who was Patrice Lumumba?

Lumumba was a Congolese politician and the first prime minister of what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. He was a pioneer of the African independence movement. In 1960, there was a coup with the support of the USA, after which Lumumba was murdered by a firing squad of his opponents. He was considered a charismatic leader and became a symbolic figure after his death.

Important: Although many people see a racist connection to the popular Christmas market drink Lumumba, it has not been clearly established. So it's possible, but not certain. If you don't know what to do now: Just order a hot chocolate with a shot. It always tastes just as good - regardless of the name.

Read also:

  1. The debate about the name of the drink Lumumba at Christmas markets in Germany continues, with historian Annalena Schmidt recently expressing her concern on Twitter that the name is racist, referring to Patrice Lumumba's role as a symbol of the African independence movement.
  2. The issue of the naming of the popular Christmas drink Lumumba has been raised before, with Cameroon-born journalist and media critic Simon Inou pointing out its apparent racism back in 2011.
  3. Despite the controversy, the drink Lumumba can still be found at many Christmas markets in Germany, sparking disagreement among consumers, with some seeing no issue with the name and others viewing it as problematic due to its potential to degrade the memory of Patrice Lumumba.


