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Chinese military representative escalates strife towards Taiwan.

Evaluating the ability to take control.

China's tone towards Taiwan continues to intensify. (archive picture)
China's tone towards Taiwan continues to intensify. (archive picture)

Chinese military representative escalates strife towards Taiwan.

Not long after Taiwan's recent presidential inauguration, China acted by conducting military exercises near the autonomous island. A spokesperson from China's foreign office issued threats to supporters of Taiwanese independence, warning of the consequences: "Bloodshed".

In relation to this, a military representative from China claimed that the maneuvers surrounding Taiwan served as a means to test the ability of their forces to seize control over the self-managed island. Chinese state media reported Li Xi, a military spokesperson, claiming these two-day exercises aimed to "test the capabilities of jointly seizing power, unleashing coordinated attacks, and controlling critical areas".

Following the installation of Taiwan's new president, Lai Ching-te, China made dire threats towards those advocating for Taiwanese independence. Wang Wenbin, a spokesperson for China's Foreign Ministry in Beijing, warned, "The independence supporters will have broken heads and drenched in blood" against China's determination to unify Taiwan completely. He labelled the current military encounters around the island as a "quite severe warning".

China perceives Taiwan as a rebellious province that needs to be restored to the mainland through any means, including the use of force. China has consistently sent military aircraft and warships to the region surrounding the island for several years. Taiwan has been self-governing since it split from communist mainland China during the conclusion of a civil war 75 years back. Beijing regards the population of 23 million on the island as a renegade province that should be reunited with the mainland, even through armed conflict if need be.

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In response to Taiwan's new president, Lai Ching-te's inauguration, China escalated its tensions further by conducting military exercises near Taiwan. Despite these actions, China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson, Wu Qian, asserted that China's goal is to establish "peaceful reunification" with Taiwan, but warned that any advocacy for Taiwanese independence could lead to "serious consequences."




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