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Celine Dion's Comeback brings tears: "An Inspiration"

Celine Dion leads a homebound illness. For a long time, it was uncertain if she could sing again. Then comes the Olympia-Opening Ceremony - and Dion celebrates a wonderfully emotional comeback.

Singer Celine Dion gives an astonishing comeback at Olympia.
Singer Celine Dion gives an astonishing comeback at Olympia.

Return after illness leave - Celine Dion's Comeback brings tears: "An Inspiration"

For the Grand Finale, in truth, Celine Dion appears. At first, this great artist is just a tiny, silver speck high up on the Eiffel Tower. Then she begins to sing. And within a few moments, Dion's voice grows beyond the monumental structure, spreading like a warm blanket over the rain-soaked Paris, flowing into the hearts of the spectators, and providing a breathtaking closing point for the Opening Ceremony of the Olympics. Many people have tears in their eyes.

What a Show - and what a Comeback for the Canadian star. For years, she has been fighting against a sneaky, neurological disease, commonly known as Stiff-Person Syndrome. With a documentary, the exceptional artist recently gave insights into her life. Heart-wrenching scenes are featured, such as when the camera focuses on her during a doctor's appointment, experiencing a severe cramp attack. She shakes violently and cries. The question of whether Dion could ever sing again was always present.

A moving Tribute to Edith Piaf

For days, there had been speculation around Olympia about whether the Canadian might perhaps perform in the Opening Ceremony. Even Emmanuel Macron had wished for it. The return to the spotlight was even more triumphant when she could introduce herself to Monsieur le President and also the French Olympic organizers.

On the first floor of the Eiffel Tower, in over 50 meters of height, Dion stood, filled with passion, singing Edith Piaf's "L'Hymne à l’amour", the Hymn to Love. Accompanied by a pianist next to her, water droplets had formed on his piano. "Even the rain, an unwelcome guest all evening, seemed to hold back, to listen to her moving interpretation of the Edith Piaf classic," wrote "Journal de Québec" from Dion's hometown.

"Determination, Pain, and Endurance"

The singer herself was overwhelmed by the moments. On cellphone videos, she can be seen being greeted and cheered on by fans after her performance and placing her hand on her heart several times. "I feel honored to have performed tonight at the Paris 2024 Opening Ceremony," she wrote later on the platform X, "and I am overjoyed to be back in one of my favorite cities."

"Above all, I am so happy to celebrate these incredible athletes with all their stories of sacrifice and determination, pain and endurance," added Dion. The five-time Grammy winner, who rose to world stardom in the 90s and set several records with the Titanic title song "My Heart Will Go On", could have moved herself as well.

Musician colleagues celebrate Dion

The admiration and respect in the music world and in show business was immense. US singer Kelly Clarkson, who commented on the ceremony for NBC, said with tears in her eyes that the performance had taken her breath away. Singer Gloria Estefan reported on Instagram about "tears of joy", which she had shed.

Actress Elizabeth Banks called the show "epic" and singer Cyndi Lauper wrote on the social network: "See what hard work and belief can do. You are an inspiration."

The artistic director of the opening ceremony, Thomas Jolly, described how they wanted to crown the opening show with the iconic Piaf song and Dion was the best singer for it. They had allowed her to decide where to perform. Dion herself had then chosen the Eiffel Tower. Nothing bigger and more splendid than that.

At first, it was unclear whether the performance over Paris was an indicator that the singer was planning to give concerts or even go on tour again. Recently, there was a report from the often well-informed gossip portal TMZ, stating that Dion was working on a deal to perform permanently in Las Vegas. In the US glamour metropolis, she had already had fixed engagements twice in her career for several years.

Muscle spasms in the throat

Thinking about an appearance like in Paris or even whole shows seemed unlikely for a long time. In December 2022, she announced that she had been diagnosed with Stiff Person Syndrome. She suffers from muscle spasms and sometimes has problems walking and singing because of it. Dion had to cancel all planned dates for her "Courage World Tour" in Europe for 2023 and 2024.

For the first time since the diagnosis was made public, she spoke about her life with the rare autoimmune disease in a television interview in June. She described the severe spasms in her throat.

The disease can cause muscle spasms anywhere in the body, so her hands or feet could freeze up. She fights against the disease with physiotherapy, singing training, and medication.

And the Friday evening in Paris was a huge victory for Celine Dion over her muscles.

  1. The performance by Celine Dion at the Eiffel Tower during the Olympics was a remarkable comeBack for the Canadian singer, who has been battling Stiff-Person Syndrome for years.
  2. The Opening Ceremony of the Olympics in Paris was greatly enhanced by Dion's performance of Edith Piaf's "L'Hymne à l’amour," which inspired tears from many in the audience.
  3. The French President, Emmanuel Macron, was among those moved by Dion's performance, expressing his admiration for her resilience and determination.
  4. The Opening Ceremony of the Olympics in Paris featured tributes to various cultural icons, including Edith Piaf, and Dion's performance was a fitting homage to the legendary French singer.
  5. Canada was proud to see one of its own making a triumphant return to the world stage, and Dion's performance was broadcast to millions of people around the world.
  6. The performance by Celine Dion at the Eiffel Tower was a powerful moment that showcased her strength and talent, as well as her ability to connect with people through music.
  7. Dion's performance at the Olympics in Paris was a testament to the healing power of music, and her voice was a source of inspiration to people from all around the world.
  8. The artistic director of the opening ceremony in Paris, Thomas Jolly, recognized Dion's talent and chose her to perform a tribute to Edith Piaf at the iconic Eiffel Tower, creating a truly unforgettable moment.

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