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CDU leadership complains about Maassen's party membership

Only "reference" received

Maaßen is not politically acceptable to everyone in his
Maaßen is not politically acceptable to everyone in his

CDU leadership complains about Maassen's party membership

For many members of the CDU, the former President of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Maaßen, is now unwelcome in their party. The federal party leadership also sees it this way and has lodged a complaint against the non-exclusion of the head of the Werteunion.

The CDU leadership has lodged a complaint against the former President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, Hans-Georg Maaßen, remaining in the party. A 67-page letter of complaint stated that Maassen's exclusion was "politically imperative and legally permissible and necessary". Milder means were legally and politically insufficient. The letter, which was obtained by dpa, is dated November 9.

CDU General Secretary Carsten Linnemann had announced at the beginning of November that he intended to lodge an appeal against the decision of a district party court in Thuringia. In July, the district party court responsible in the first instance rejected Maaßen's expulsion from the party and ruled that he should have his membership rights restored. The court issued a "reprimand" against Maassen.

Maassen had become "ideologically radicalized"

In the letter of complaint from the federal CDU, this is described as a "colossal misjudgement". Maaßen has shown this himself through his further behavior. "Since the hearing and debate, he has continued to violate the rules and principles of the CDU." For example, Maaßen advocated cooperation with the AfD. He has become "politically and ideologically radicalized" and lives "in a world of thought that is typical of the AfD, not (any longer) in that of the CDU".

Der Spiegel quoted from a statement by Maaßen's lawyer: "Dr. Maaßen adheres to internal party regulations." It went on to say that Maaßen would therefore not comment publicly on the content of the proceedings.

Maaßen, who has been a member of the CDU for many years, is the head of the Werteunion, which is considered particularly conservative but is not a party organization. He stood as a candidate in a constituency in southern Thuringia in the 2021 Bundestag elections, but was unsuccessful. Maaßen had also come under heavy criticism in his own party for several controversial statements - for example, for claiming that the "driving forces in the political media" were "eliminatory racism against whites".

Read also:

The federal CDU leadership, led by General Secretary Carsten Linnemann, strongly opposes Hans-Georg Maassen's continued membership in the CDU, despite his leadership role in the value union group, due to his alleged "political and ideological radicalization" and associations with extreme viewpoints, such as his support for cooperation with the AfD. This stance, according to the CDU, is essential to uphold the Protection of the constitution and maintain the party's values.


