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Car from Biden's convoy rammed - US President uninjured

The US President was reportedly talking to journalists when there was a loud bang: a car had crashed into an SUV in his motorcade. Biden was uninjured.

Accidents - Car from Biden's convoy rammed - US President uninjured

Incident at US President Joe Biden's motorcade in Wilmington in the US state of Delaware: according to media reports, a vehicle rammed into an SUV from the US President's motorcade in the city center. Biden and First Lady Jill Biden were uninjured. The background to the incident was unclear.

The President and First Lady had left the headquarters of their campaign office in Wilmington after a meal with staff when the car hit the SUV, according to reports. The SUV had shielded the motorcade at the intersection. There was a loud bang. Biden, who was talking to reporters, stood in front of the vehicle with a surprised look on his face before the officers led him to his vehicle. The security guards had quickly sprung into action, pushing the car away and surrounding its driver with weapons. The driver surrendered.

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