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Bushman: We should avoid rearguard action in 2024

The current Germany trend puts the three traffic light parties at 33% overall. The Federal Minister of Justice is therefore hoping for more composure from all parties in the coming year.

Traffic light coalition - Bushman: We should avoid rearguard action in 2024

For the new year, Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann would like to see a better style of debate from the traffic light coalition. It is "probably a little awkward" that "when we have actually solved a problem, we often have such a noisy, how shall we say, round of post-fighting, which then usually outshines the successes", the FDP politician told the German Press Agency.

The coalition of SPD, Greens and FDP had so far led the country well through crises, for which it had earned recognition abroad. However, he observes that "we still manage time and again to create debates and occasions for discussion that distract from these great achievements - and we had better refrain from doing that in the new year".

The current Germany trend puts the three traffic light parties at 33 percent overall. The CDU/CSU would have 32% if the general election were held this Sunday.

When asked whether citizens might be dissatisfied not only because of clumsy communication, but perhaps also because of unpopular decisions, such as the e-car premium, Buschmann replied: "I would never say that we are perfect and do everything right and that it is just a communication problem." No one is free from mistakes.

Clear gut feeling in FPD member survey

When it comes to economic policy, the differences between the FDP and the Greens are great, which is why it often takes a little longer to come to a good solution, said the Minister of Justice. When it comes to the powers of the security authorities and civil liberties, there has recently been more of a dispute between the FDP and SPD.

He did not want to speculate on the outcome of the FPD member survey, which runs until January 1, on whether the party would remain in the traffic light coalition. Buschmann said: "Of course I have a clear gut feeling, but it's not appropriate to influence it in any way during an ongoing process. But you can imagine that I believe that most members are also of the opinion that I, for example, can continue my work."

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