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Burial in St. Stephen's Cathedral and funeral procession

Richard Lugner will be buried on August 31st within the family and circle of friends. Before that, everyone has the opportunity to say goodbye.

Richard Lugner died last Monday at the age of 91
Richard Lugner died last Monday at the age of 91

- Burial in St. Stephen's Cathedral and funeral procession

Richard "Mörtel" Lugner, a true Vienna original, was bid farewell by his hometown in a fitting manner. On Monday, the entrepreneur and builder passed away at the age of 91. According to an Instagram-posted obituary, Lugner "died peacefully."

Details of the planned funeral have also been released by his family. The actual burial will take place on Saturday, August 31, in the presence of close family and friends.

Previously, a memorial service with a public viewing of the body will be held at Vienna's St. Stephen's Cathedral from 9 am. "All Viennese, all of Austria, and beyond" are invited to say their goodbyes, it was stated.

According to the "Kronen Zeitung," the hearse will later drive through the Ringstraße, and the procession will continue to the Lugner City shopping center, where the public part of the funeral will end. The actual burial will then take place at the Grinzing cemetery after a church service at the Kaasgraben church in the Doebling district.

Condolence book available at Lugner City

Additionally, a condolence book has been placed at the main square of Lugner City for anyone to express their condolences. An online condolence book will also be available for those who cannot attend in person.

The mourning procession will follow the hearse along the Ringstraße and conclude at Lugner City, where the public part of the funeral will end. Visitors can also pay their respects by signing the condolence book placed at Lugner City's main square.

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