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Bundeswehr launches two reconnaissance satellites into space

SpaceX launch before Christmas

The satellites are launched into space by a SpaceX
The satellites are launched into space by a SpaceX

Bundeswehr launches two reconnaissance satellites into space

The Bundeswehr is currently monitoring events on Earth with eight satellites. Two more will follow shortly before Christmas to keep an eye on militarily relevant events, as the commander responsible explains in an interview: "Germany is also defended in space."

The Bundeswehr is continuing to expand its military surveillance from space. "The Bundeswehr currently has two satellites in geostationary orbit to cover our areas of interest in Europe and the Middle East. We also have six satellites in low earth orbit," Major General Michael Traut told the "Tagesspiegel" newspaper. "The Bundeswehr is expected to launch two new satellites in these categories with SpaceX shortly before Christmas."

Traut commands the German Armed Forces Space Command in Uedem, North Rhine-Westphalia. SpaceX, Elon Musk's space company, has scheduled the launch for December 22, according to the report.

"Germany will be defended in space"

The German military has high hopes for the new satellites. "They observe the earth not only with a camera, but with radar - so they can also take pictures at night and see through clouds," explained the Major General. "This is very important for the Bundeswehr because it allows us to observe militarily relevant events on the Earth's surface much better."

In addition to earth observation, the Space Command is tasked with protecting more than 70 German satellites, which are now part of the critical infrastructure, against collisions with other satellites or space debris, but also against possible attacks. "Germany is also defended in space," said Traut in the "Tagesspiegel".

Protection against Russian espionage

This also includes hindering another state's espionage from space: "We can make sure that they don't get a certain photo that they would like by warning our forces in advance, camouflaging ourselves or deceiving the opposing satellite." According to the Bundeswehr, the number of so-called reconnaissance warnings issued to various institutions in Germany and the troops themselves was "in the lower four-digit range" in 2022.

Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Blätte, the military head of operations at the Space Situational Awareness Center, cited a current example: "We calculate when an overflight of Russian satellites is to be expected, during which time we will certainly not showcase all of our capabilities or the training of Ukrainian soldiers."

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