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Bundestag approves higher CO2 price from 2024

The Bundestag is implementing a part of the large budget package of the traffic light government. Until now, 30 euros were payable per tonne of CO2 emitted; the rate will rise from 2024.

The Bundestag has raised the CO2 price that applies to fuel, gas and heating oil.
The Bundestag has raised the CO2 price that applies to fuel, gas and heating oil.

Refueling and heating - Bundestag approves higher CO2 price from 2024

The Bundestag has raised the CO2 price that applies to fuel, gas and heating oil. Parliament decided that instead of 30 euros, 45 euros per tonne of CO2 emitted will be payable from January. In doing so, it implemented part of the large budget package of the traffic light government.

More information coming soon.

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