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Brotherly love and asshole types

Vip Vip, hooray!

Now also entertaining with their own reality TV show: Tom and Bill Kaulitz
Now also entertaining with their own reality TV show: Tom and Bill Kaulitz

Brotherly love and asshole types

Two "Mice" now have their own Reality-TV show. Despite being largely panned by American critics, "Kaulitz & Kaulitz" still offers a glimpse into the fascinating world of Bill and Tom between everyday life, love, media, and Hollywood.

Dear readers, we've established some kind of connection, right? Could you do me a favor? Please be so kind and check out the Reality-TV show "Kaulitz & Kaulitz"? I really need to talk to you about it, but first, I'll borrow some "mustard" from the capital and leave Hollywood, where the "Through the Monsoon" artists live, for now.

Let's switch to another couple instead, and that's none other than the legendary, unique, fantastic icon Barbra Streisand and her second husband, actor James Brolin.

Barbra and James are in a home improvement store. They're browsing the aisles and plan to upgrade their bathroom. Something Mondane would be nice, or perhaps something Golden, or something Italian! But suddenly, the two get a little tangled up, as James looks at the "expensive" tiles, whose price naturally reflects their quality, which doesn't sit well with Barbra at all.

Once upon a time, the millionaire artist Barbra told TV host Oprah Winfrey, "I have two sides: For example, I have no problem donating large sums of money to worthy causes, but the Brooklyn side in me still wonders, 'Does this tile really cost 10.95 dollars?'" And Barbra would have loved to tell James in the store, "The cheaper tile serves the same purpose."

Emotional Keyboard and Unlucky Dogs

Scene shift: messy living room in Berlin-Pankow. A woman in jogging pants lies on the sofa with a cat and watches the Reality-TV show "Kaulitz & Kaulitz." Yes, that's me. First episode. Everything is bright and flashy, and the colors of the doc remind me of the title sequence of the 80s TV series "Miami Vice." In "Kaulitz & Kaulitz," Bill & Tom take the viewer into their world.

At times, the two seem as grounded and "normal" as Barbra often describes herself, but then I immediately make plans to set up a meeting with someone at RTL who knows the Kaulitze. I can't make sense of it. I'm caught up in an emotional whirlpool. The two manage to press all the emotional keys of the viewers with just a finger snap. Or maybe it's just me.

Tom and Bill have lived in Los Angeles for many years. Los Angeles is really beautiful, especially if you have enough coal. We see the two primarily in Bill's house in the Hollywood Hills. It was agreed beforehand that filming would not take place at Tom and his wife, supermodel Heidi's, house. I can easily guess the reason; Heidi herself is sometimes seen in the doc and says things like, "I can't throw anything away." The RV trailer of those people is bound to come apart at the seams! And the dogs, poor things! It looks worse for them than for me, and for you too!

Not Famous Enough! [

(Note: The text seems to be incomplete, as there is no proper ending.)

During the docu in America, I notice that I find more appeal to it after each episode. I may not be as much of a fan as Bill, but if there are those who think I've drunkenly enjoyed the shows: no! Or to put it in "Fatties Bread" terms: Jein. Bill laughs a lot. It's so incredibly contagious, this laughter. But it also feels like a distraction, to mask his own loneliness. After all, Bill had never had a real, serious relationship in his 34 years. Or as Tom puts it: "Because he always hangs out with those asshole types."

The critiques abroad mainly focus on the fact that they're not well-known enough, but in Germany, their podcast is in (almost) everyone's ears. Perhaps you have to be a twin to fully understand this deep connection. One "Mouse" tells the other "Mouse" that in her fridge there's a pile of expired food and that's why she can't bake waffles according to the recipe. They are heart and soul, and when they fight, they feel it to the bone. In between, there's this contagious laughter and mutual petting of the two Magdeburgers, who've lived more in their 34 years than many others in an entire lifetime.

But they also sometimes go crazy about the crap. So they fly with a private jet for 30,000 Euros to a prize ceremony in Paderborn, only to transport the won trophy to a storage room in L.A. shortly thereafter. Among the many other costs. Disappeared in the darkness. Like Tom's photo album with the children's pictures.

That wouldn't please Barbara either! But hey, they're stars! Bill's vices: sinfully expensive fiddling. His looks are more important to him than Tom, as evidenced by his Botox injections. And so we see "the Mouse" partying with their best friends and often toasting. And toasting and toasting and toasting. He likes to drink, he says. The shenanigans soon no longer seem harmless.

In between, apartment visits: Seven million for the apartment? Yes, that fits. Rewinds and reminiscences. Crazy fans. Visits to the mother and other band members. Sometimes they find themselves in a camper and spend time together "MeTime". It's so wonderfully entertaining, this chaos in the city of angels, that at this point, someone from my readers could even send Bill the link to this text here. He's always "hanging out" on Insta anyway! You want to love him and shake him like a Martini: "Mouse", lay off the booze and your fondness for asshole types and listen to your brother. He's right!

In contrast to the critiques focusing on lack of fame, the twin duo's Reality TV show has become popular in Germany, with their podcast being nearly ubiquitous. Perhaps interested viewers could tune into a prominent Reality TV series titled "Kaulitz & Kaulitz," offering a peek into the brothers' lives, featuring their ups and downs, love, media, and entertainment, even embracing the genre of Reality TV itself.

As the Reality TV show progresses, the twins often engage in extravagant activities, such as flying privately to a ceremony in Paderborn for a trophy, only to store it away shortly after, or indulging in excessive partying, seemingly losing track of their vices. This lifestyle, while entertaining, is bound to raise some eyebrows, especially from critiques adhering to traditional values about fame and responsibility.

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