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Broadcasting time is extended

The "ZDF Mittagagsmagazin" will run in a different form from January 2024. The broadcasting time will be extended and there will be new content.

Mirjam Meinhardt has been the main presenter of the ZDF Mittagagmagazin since March
Mirjam Meinhardt has been the main presenter of the ZDF Mittagagmagazin since March

"ZDF-Mittagsmagazin" - Broadcasting time is extended

The"ZDF-Mittagsmagazin" is getting new, longer broadcasting times. As the broadcaster announced on Wednesday, the information format will be extended in the new year. From January 2, the "ZDF-Mittagsmagazin" will be broadcast Monday to Friday from 12:10 to 14:00. The previous "drehscheibe" from 12:10 to 1 p.m. will no longer be broadcast. Presenter Mirjam Meinhardt (42) is looking forward to "being able to make more programs".

Almost twice as long as before

The station's press release also announces what viewers can expect at lunchtime in the new year: "More current reports, touching stories and live interviews with prominent guests from politics, business and culture." Instead of the previous 60 minutes, the program will be extended to almost two hours. As before, it will alternate weekly with the "ARD-Mittagsmagazin".

Current reporting from Germany and the world will continue to be the main focus, it continues. However, "Mima XXL" now offers even more: every hour will be switched live to correspondents. In future, there will also be a 15-minute documentary that takes viewers to a hospital or mountain rescue service, for example. In the first week from January 2 to 5, 2024, short documentaries from the "Sonnenallee" series about everyday life in the Neukölln neighborhood will be shown. The episodes will also be available in the ZDFmediathek from Thursday, December 28 at 9 am. There will also be more service and sport at lunchtime. According to ZDF, there will be a "focus on reporting from popular sports".

Mirjam Meinhardt: "A challenge"

Despite all the changes: Mirjam Meinhardt, who has been the main presenter of the lunchtime magazine show since spring 2022, will remain. She speaks of "anticipation", but also emphasizes that the longer broadcasting time is "definitely a challenge". However, she is "very pleased to be able to do more programs". Of course, in view of the expansion, more preparation than before is also necessary. But there is also help: "Our team is getting a bit bigger. We are getting support from those who used to take care of the 'drehscheibe', for example." Meinhardt summarizes the new added value with the words: "Even more variety, even more compelling stories and everything that is important, with proven expertise."

The information format will continue to be broadcast from the ZDF capital studio in Berlin-Mitte. From 1989 to 2018, it was broadcast from the broadcasting center in Mainz.

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The "ZDF-Mittagsmagazin," which is airing on ZDF, will have extended broadcasting times starting January 2. Presenter Mirjam Meinhardt is excited about the opportunity to create more programs.

Mirjam Meinhardt, the host of "zdf-mittagsmagazin," acknowledges that the extended broadcasting time represents a significant challenge but expresses her delight at having more opportunities to present programs.




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