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British politician returns following quadruple amputation.

Mackinlay spent 16 days unconscious.

His colleagues welcomed the recovered Craig Mackinlay (center) with thunderous applause.
His colleagues welcomed the recovered Craig Mackinlay (center) with thunderous applause.

British politician returns following quadruple amputation.

In September last year, Craig Mackinlay went through a life-threatening ordeal. He developed a severe case of septic shock that left him in a coma for 16 days. The doctor had to amputate both his hands and feet. After a month-long recovery, the Conservative MP made a triumphant return to Parliament in London. The entire place erupted into thunderous applause when he appeared, with even the presiding officers paying him a personal visit.

Mr. Mackinlay, aged 57, stood in Parliament with a smile as he showed off his shiny new prosthetic limbs. His colleagues were so moved by his resilience that they gave him a standing ovation. Even Keir Starmer, the leader of the Opposition party, praised the MP's determination and exceptional service.

Craig Mackinlay was stricken with septic shock on September 27, 2023, and was immediately admitted to the hospital. After two months of treatment and surgery, he's ready for what lies ahead - planning to stand for re-election in his South East England constituency in the upcoming general elections.

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