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British authorities detain individuals with ties to Hong Kong's covert organization.

No more danger.

A total of eleven people were taken into police custody in the course of the investigation.
A total of eleven people were taken into police custody in the course of the investigation.

British authorities detain individuals with ties to Hong Kong's covert organization.

UK cops are on the case of a few individuals suspected to be working for the Hong Kong secret service. However, Scotland Yard assured that there's no "greater danger" in the air.

Cops in the UK have nabbed three people for allegedly helping out the Hong Kong secret service. "As part of this investigation, a slew of folks have been nabbed, and searches have been conducted all over England," stated Dominic Murphy, head honcho of Scotland Yard's counter-terrorism unit. The trio in question was accused of aiding a foreign intel agency and meddling with foreign interests.

The named foreign intel agency was none other than "Hong Kong's," the cops revealed. The three men are Chi Leung Wai (38), Matthew Trickett (37), and Chung Biu Yuen (63), all of whom call southeastern England their home. They were scheduled to stand trial in London later that afternoon.

Murphy, the brains behind the counter-terrorism operation, told the Beeb: "It's time to ease your worries, folks. We don't think there's some big ol' danger heading your way. The case is still ongoing, but since accusations have been made public, I'd advise avoiding discussions or assumptions in relation to this matter."

A whopping eleven suspects were hauled into custody during the probe. On Wednesday, eight men and one woman were carted off to the pokey in Yorkshire. Thursday saw the arrest of two more blokes. The lady and the five chaps who avoided charges have been set free, the cops noted.

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