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Britain and Taylor Swift in shock after knife attack on dancing children

Following the fatal knife attack on children dancing to songs by Taylor Swift, Britain and the US singer are in shock. 'The horror of yesterday's attack in Southport keeps overwhelming me - and I am completely shocked,' Swift wrote on Instagram Tuesday. Meanwhile, a third child succumbed to...

Britain and Taylor Swift in shock after knife attack on dancing children

A nine-year-old girl has died in hospital, police confirmed. The two victims who were immediately killed at the scene were also girls, aged six and seven. Eight other children were injured, some critically, by stab wounds in the coastal town of Southport, north of Liverpool. Two adults who tried to protect the children are also in hospital with serious injuries.

A 17-year-old suspect was arrested shortly after the incident. He is accused of murder and attempted murder. His motive is unknown, and a terror attack has been ruled out.

Southport was left in shock on Tuesday. Flowers, memorial cards, and teddy bears were laid near the scene. A vigil was planned for the evening.

"I can't believe something like this happened so close to home," said resident Leanne Hassan, whose daughter was at a nearby kindergarten at the time. "Children should feel safe at a holiday club, enjoying their free time without fear of being stabbed."

The attack occurred during a children's holiday course for ages six to eleven. The activity was advertised online as a Taylor Swift-themed dance and yoga class. "These were just little kids in a dance class," Swift wrote on Instagram.

"The loss of life and innocence, and the terrible trauma inflicted on everyone present, the families, and the first responders," Swift continued. "I don't have the words to express my condolences to these families."

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and King Charles III also expressed their shock and condolences. The Prince and Princess of Wales wrote on X, "As parents, we cannot begin to imagine what the families, friends, and loved ones of those affected in Southport are going through."

The suspect, from the nearby village of Banks, arrived at the scene in a taxi, witnesses told British media. He was wearing a mask. The motive for the teenager's actions remains unclear. Police are continuing to question the suspect.

Stabbings have been on the rise in the UK. In 2023, there were nearly 50,000 incidents, a seven percent increase from 2022. The number of such incidents has doubled in the past decade.

The eight other children who were injured in the stabbing incident in Southport are being treated in various hospitals. Despite the tragedy, there are still other children in Southport who are safely at their homes, unharmed.

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