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Boxing match with Stefan Raab has awakened ambition

Regina Halmich took her time in agreeing to the boxing match with Stefan Raab - but now she is determined to win.

Regina Halmich gets ready for the fight on September 14.
Regina Halmich gets ready for the fight on September 14.

Regina Halmich - Boxing match with Stefan Raab has awakened ambition

This fight is highly anticipated. In mid-September, Stefan Raab (57) and Regina Halmich (47) will face each other in the ring for the third time. For the entertainer, it marks his TV comeback after almost ten years. Halmich was initially unsure if she would accept the challenge. "I thought about it for almost three weeks and really considered if it would still work, if I could do it, if people would want to see it", she reported in the radio show "Antenne Bayern Sonntagsfrühstück".

Eventually, her ambition won out. "I thought, okay, I'll do it again. I also had a craving for it", explained the former world champion. She consulted with her old trainer Thorsten Schmitz and he also believed she could complete the fight.

The Ambition Has Dark Sides

"The old fighter Regina has been reawakened. I recently met my mother and she said: Regina, the fire has been rekindled", Halmich told the moderator Kathrin Müller-Hohenstein (58). But that's not only positive for the athlete, but "dangerous". "I have to stop again directly after September 14. The boxing gloves are already hanging on the nail, because the danger that I might want to fight again is just too big, and that's really difficult", she explained.

"I have no idea what he has in mind"

Regina Halmich and Stefan Raab faced each other in the ring before a million spectators in 2001 and 2007 - twice the boxer went out as the winner. Since Raab retreated from public life, she has not seen him. They had not planned a meeting before the big fight. Raab wants to keep the mystery about himself. "He enjoys it. He wants to keep this moment for himself, when he marches into the ring, floats, whatever. I have no idea what he has in mind", emphasized his opponent.

The boxing revival of Stefan Raab and Regina Halmich will be seen live on RTL, as the broadcaster confirmed at the beginning of May. The two will enter the ring at the Düsseldorf PSD Bank Dome on September 14 in front of 15,000 spectators and will face each other in the show fight "Der Clark Final Fight".

  1. Regina Halmich's ambition has been rekindled, as she prepares for her third boxing match against Stefan Raab in Bavaria, a fight that will mark Raab's return to TV after almost a decade.
  2. The former world champion, Regina Halmich, has expressed concern about her commitment to the boxing match, acknowledging that the fire within her could prove dangerous, potentially leading her to want to fight again after the September 14 event.
  3. In an interview, Regina Halmich revealed that she and Stefan Raab have not met since their past encounters in 2001 and 2007, and that Raab is keeping secrets about his intentions for their upcoming boxing match, scheduled to take place in the Antenne Bavaria's broadcast of "Der Clark Final Fight" in Düsseldorf.
  4. The much-anticipated boxing match between Regina Halmich and Stefan Raab will be aired live on RTL, attracting 15,000 spectators to the PSD Bank Dome in Düsseldorf on September 14th.

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