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Boris is to blame: Jauch unintentionally helps pensioner

"Who wants to be a millionaire?"

Boris is to blame: Jauch unintentionally helps
Boris is to blame: Jauch unintentionally helps

Boris is to blame: Jauch unintentionally helps pensioner

Jauch is simply the best joker. He unconsciously helps the likeable pensioner to find the right answer. A lifelong dream comes true for the candidate. In the end, however, the senior citizen gets it wrong with Jauch: "Zero euros!"

Boris Becker's historic Wimbledon victory still stirs emotions almost 40 years later. Günther Jauch was so enthusiastic again on Monday's "Who wants to be a millionaire?" that he unintentionally helped his candidate. But nobody in the studio really noticed. Regardless, pensioner Georg Malkowsky would have been the evening's likeable winner even without the support. "It was my lifelong dream," the 77-year-old revealed about his appearance on Jauch.

After his flying visit last week, Malkowsky returned to the show with the 2000-euro question and got through easily. "The questions are too innocuous, aren't they?", Jauch suspected. In the round for 64,000 euros, however, things finally got serious. The host wanted to know: "The last time someone won was in 1985: A) Frenchman won the Tour de France, B) Briton won Wimbledon, C) Berliner won the Berlin Marathon, D) Indian won the Indy 500?"

Jauch blabs

The candidate immediately drew the extra joker. But nobody wanted to offer to help. "If it stays like this, we'll have the studio cleared out. Then our substitute audience will come," joked Jauch. At some point, a gentleman took pity on him - fortunately. "Of course, I definitely can't answer the question," the pensioner initially dampened expectations. But then came Becker.

"Boris Becker won Wimbledon in 1985," said the additional joker, ruling out answer B. Jauch briefly reminisced about the historic sporting moment - but confirmed the viewer's statement. The joker then voted against the Indian in Indianopolis and even brought the Frenchman Bernard Hinault, winner of the 1985 Tour de France, into the game.

Unfortunately, the gentleman from the audience decided on Berlin in the end and therefore came away empty-handed as the joker. Thanks to his help, however, Malkowsky made it one round further after the 50:50 joker left the Tour de France and Wimbledon standing. Give the joker 500 euros from your own pocket, Jauch recommended.

The candidate from Bockenem near Hildesheim then had to pass in the next round. Jauch wanted to know in which celebrity's year of birth and death Halley's Comet had passed by the earth. Malkowsky got out and guessed James Dean. Mark Twain was correct. "I'll gladly take the money. I was delighted. It was my lifelong dream," said the senior citizen happily - until he made Jauch too old.

"Really?" the RTL presenter was initially pleased. "Yes, since 1969... ", the guest got confused. "Yes, thank you," Jauch said ironically to cheerful applause from the audience. The host countered: "My lifelong dream is to be able to decide for myself who leaves here with zero euros - and today is the day!"

1989, Malkowsky had of course meant to say. Since the start of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire", he had dreamed of taking part and had applied what felt like a thousand times. A few years after the start of the RTL quiz show, the trained locksmith was awarded the title of "divorce musician". Back then, he performed as a musician at family celebrations.

One couple had booked him for their silver wedding anniversary, Malkowsky told us. Shortly before his performance, the couple took him aside and told him: We're getting divorced today. "I then did a toot," he reported. The mood was ruined? asked Jauch. "That was the best party I've ever had," the guest corrected him.

Teacher gambles on WWM

According to Malkowsky, the winnings went down from round to round on Monday. "Of course it's shitty. But I don't want to be to blame if you thunder down there", Jauch gave the following contestant permission to leave with 16,000 euros. Teacher Nils Grundmann from Egestorf in Lower Saxony didn't really have a clue whether Ariane Kari was the German government's first commissioner for animal welfare or for the protection of historical monuments.

Unfortunately, his additional joker was no help at all. After his telephone joker was at least able to explain to Jauch that a simple "Moin" is completely sufficient ("Anyone who says 'Moin, moin' talks too much"), the teacher suddenly gambled: "I'll take A, animal protection." In the end, the North German won 32,000 euros and can finally replace the windows in his house.

Civil servant Anna Rohr from Unna in North Rhine-Westphalia was able to go all in on the €32,000 question as she had chosen the variant with three jokers. That was lucky, because Rohr guessed that lemonade has been served at the Munich Oktoberfest since 1986. That year, however, non-alcoholic beer was served at the Oktoberfest for the first time.

Despite the "official variant", the last contestant of this "Who wants to be a millionaire?" evening only won 4000 euros. Julia Weidt from Bad Bergzabern in the Southern Palatinate was delighted with her modest win. "When have I ever had such a large sum of money in my hand?" said the volunteer at a local radio station and enthused about the hot air fryer she can now buy.

Hopefully, the sums at stake will be completely different on Thursday. Then the big "Who wants to be a millionaire?" celebrity special is on the program as part of the RTL telethon. Jauch welcomes Amira and Oliver Pocher. "This is probably their last joint appearance on a TV show," the announcement said. "The recording of the show took place in mid-October, when the two were still friends." Singer Sasha, soccer expert Reiner Calmund and cabaret artist Torsten Sträter will also be performing for a good cause. "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" then goes back into a longer "Farmer Seeks Wife" break.


