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Block children should be with their mother

After assault on father

Christina Block and her ex-husband have been arguing about custody for
Christina Block and her ex-husband have been arguing about custody for

Block children should be with their mother

The 10- and 13-year-old children of steakhouse heiress Christina Block spend New Year's Eve with their father in Denmark. He reports to the police that unknown perpetrators have abducted the children. Investigators assume that the children are in the care of their mother.

The presumed abducted children of steakhouse heiress Christina Block are safe, it seems. The 13-year-old and the 10-year-old are presumably with their mother, according to investigators in the case, but without giving names. "The law enforcement authorities currently assume that they are in the care of their mother," said a spokeswoman for the Hamburg public prosecutor's office. "There are currently no concrete indications that the children are in danger." The children's father, Stephan H., had previously reported an attack on New Year's Eve.

The Hamburg police, who are also involved in the case alongside the Danish authorities, also stated that the facts of the case are known and are the subject of ongoing investigations. "Further information cannot be provided at present due to the fact that the investigation is only just beginning," they said.

According to the Danish police, the father was attacked near a restaurant shortly after midnight while watching the New Year's Eve fireworks with his two children in the town of Gråsten (Gravenstein). The two children, aged 10 and 13, were forced to get into a car. The perpetrators then fled in two cars with German license plates. They are being investigated for assault and deprivation of liberty.

The Danish officials are reportedly in contact with the German police. The case is possibly connected to an ongoing custody dispute. The investigation is also looking into whether there is a connection between the incident and the custody issue, the statement added. The police did not give any names.

Christina Block is the daughter of Hamburg restaurateur Eugen Block, who founded the Block House steakhouse chain in 1968. For years, the 49-year-old has been fighting with her ex-husband over custody of their children.

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