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BKA deplores high number of anti-Semitic crimes

According to the BKA President, the authorities have recorded an increase in anti-Semitic crimes since the Hamas attack on Israel in October. He appeals.

A hole can be seen in the shattered glass pane of a display case in front of the Tiergarten
A hole can be seen in the shattered glass pane of a display case in front of the Tiergarten town hall in Berlin.

Crime - BKA deplores high number of anti-Semitic crimes

The President of the Federal Criminal Police Office has lamented a drastic increase in anti-Semitic crimes. "The dimension of these crimes is new," Holger Münch told the "Neue Zürcher Zeitung" (Tuesday). He emphasized that anti-Semitism has increased in both the left and right-wing spectrum, but is also imported.

"Many people have come to our country from regions where Israel is seen as the enemy and where the idea prevails that Jews must be fought against," said Münch. This anti-Semitism imported from abroad must be named and countered.

It is therefore important that immigrants also engage with German history and German attitudes and values, said Münch. "We need to be even clearer about what we expect from all people living here in Germany," said Münch. It must be clear that certain values, which are based in particular on German history, are inviolable. Münch cited Israel's right to exist and the safety of Jews in Germany as examples.

According to Münch, the German authorities have registered more than 4,700 crimes in connection with the terrorist attacks on Israel since the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7. These are often anti-Semitic crimes such as damage to property, propaganda or incitement to hatred.

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