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"Beyond Eden" - Nino de Angelo turns 60

Comet-like rise, deep fall. The life of singer Nino de Angelo is like a rollercoaster ride. A successful comeback and personal happiness allow the artist to look forward to his 60th birthday with optimism.

Pop singer - "Beyond Eden" - Nino de Angelo turns 60

Nino de Angelo has often been written off. But the singer ("Jenseits von Eden"), who now lives in the Allgäu region, has come back just as often. The stalwart of the German music scene has never been stopped by drug and alcohol problems, financial failures or serious illnesses. On December 18, the pop singer with the rocker soul celebrates his 60th birthday.

Originally, Domenico Gerhard Gorgoglione, as de Angelo is known in real life, wanted to celebrate his milestone birthday in Las Vegas and marry his partner Simone Lux there. But that won't happen: "I have no desire to be taken out of heaven on my 60th birthday," he recently told Bild in view of "the tense world situation". He would rather celebrate his birthday with his partner in Italy, and the wedding will take place next year.

He loves country life

When it comes to marriage, de Angelo is experienced: he has four previous marriages to his name. His upcoming fifth is to be the last, he told Bild and revealed that he already has a wedding present: "Instead of rings, I'm giving us two identical watches." The couple live on a horse farm. The singer raves about country life. The animals, cooking, shopping and working on his classic cars - that makes him happy.

Nino de Angelo was born in Karlsruhe on December 18, 1963. After his parents from Puglia in southern Italy divorced, he moved in with his mother in Cologne. He was discovered as a teenager in a piano bar in the Rhine metropolis - and his career took off: his first single at 17, followed by "Jenseits von Eden" at 18.

The song, written by musician Drafi Deutscher ("Marmor, Stein und Eisen bricht"), became a number one hit and an evergreen pop song - and the benchmark for his subsequent releases. A high hurdle and a personal burden.

A turbulent private life

Although he repeatedly teamed up with hit producers such as Dieter Bohlen (Modern Talking) and Alex Christensen ("Das Boot"), most of his subsequent songs failed to make the charts. "I've often thought: Nino, your time is over," he told the German Press Agency in the spring of this year. It wasn't until he struck a darker tone reminiscent of the band Unheilig with the 2021 album "Gesegnet und Verflucht" that he found his way back onto the road to success.

The artist's private life was even more turbulent: drugs, alcohol, debts and a medical history that included the lung disease COPD. Some sensitive artists would resign themselves to this. But not Nino de Angelo. He turned this barrage of misfortune into something positive by processing it in his latest album "From Eternity to Eternity".

"It's like a manual on how to get up again when you're down," he told dpa. The longplayer shows him at his most rocking best and reached number five in Germany and number seven in both Austria and Switzerland. "I think I've invented my own brand. And that's exactly where I always wanted to be." It seems that Nino de Angelo has finally found his happiness "Jenseits von Eden".

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