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Berlin police officers receive moldy rolls on New Year's Eve

Spoiled food for civil servants

Police officers during New Year's Eve in
Police officers during New Year's Eve in

Berlin police officers receive moldy rolls on New Year's Eve

Before their New Year's Eve deployment, police officers in Berlin are given sandwiches to fortify them for the night ahead. But photos published on the internet show that at least some of the snacks are infested with mold. Police Commissioner Slowik is outraged and promises to clear things up.

According to a media report, police officers on duty in Berlin on New Year's Eve received moldy rations. According to the newspaper "BZ", white and green mold spores were growing on the bread rolls handed out. As a result, many officers started the night hungry.

Pictures of the spoiled food later made the rounds on social media. Mold can be seen on cucumbers and pieces of bell pepper. Bodo Pfalzgraf, Berlin regional head of the German Police Union, wrote on X: "The emergency services found this disrespectful. The search for the cause is underway. We will do everything in the GPR to ensure that there is a regulation with quality controls quickly."

It is not known how many snacks were infested with mold. According to "BZ", the police are seeking clarification. "Police Commissioner Barbara Slowik is indignant, that's not acceptable. We are investigating whether the caterer was at fault," said a spokeswoman. "We are in contact with the departments to find out how many emergency services were affected by the inadequate catering." Concrete figures are not expected until later in the week.

According to the newspaper, the investigations could take some time. Many of the officers deployed on New Year's Eve are not on duty this Monday and therefore cannot be asked whether they also received moldy food. The police have not yet revealed which caterer delivered the moldy sandwiches and whether the infestation was caused by improper storage.

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