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Belly-free into the weed battle

"Farmer seeks wife"

Could be heading in the right direction: Cattle farmer Daniel and lady-in-waiting
Could be heading in the right direction: Cattle farmer Daniel and lady-in-waiting

Belly-free into the weed battle

A premature break-off, three couples on cloud nine and a smart bartender who proves that wearing suitable work clothes when weeding is completely overrated On the "Bauer sucht Frau" farms, things are still going strong.

Love lust or love frustration? It's not immediately clear on all the farms where the journey is heading emotionally. At home with Lambo farmer Steffen, farm lady Kathrin would like a little more "information and communication". The homemade cold cuts for breakfast taste delicious. But on an interpersonal level, Kathrin has a few gripes: "It's a shame that I have to pull everything out of Steffen's nose," she grumbles.

The atmosphere could be better: Steffen and Kathrin.

The daily sausage kitchen action and the stuffy mucking out of the cowshed don't really lift the mood either. Only a joyride in the luxury car, including a stop at the local ice cream store, brings a smile to Kathrin's face. But Steffen has to admit: "The big feelings aren't there yet."

Things are similarly unromantic on the Brandenburg farm of hobby farmer Max-Dietrich-Helmut. Always keen for action and variety, the carriage enthusiast bites off more than he can chew with lady-in-waiting Susanne. The horseback surveyor can't really imagine a future together in the middle of nowhere in eastern Germany. What's more, Susanne has "no spark" emotionally either. After a leisurely carriage ride, the lady of the manor pours her farmer a glass of wine. Max-Dietrich-Helmut is sad, but can understand the decision. Susanne breaks off the farm week prematurely: "Somewhere out there is the right woman for him. But unfortunately it's not me."

Timo and Stefanie finally get closer

At Stefanie's poultry farm, mountain man Timo is sure that the right woman for him is just one room away. Stefanie is also becoming increasingly fond of her farm guest. When Stefanie's little daughter Carlotta comes to visit, Timo proves to be a patient and affectionate playmate. Later, the trained machine fitter is not only allowed to shampoo Stefanie's favorite pony's mane, but also to get up close and personal with the lady of the farm. During the wild washcloth ping-pong, Timo and Stefanie finally get closer physically.

As far as physical contact is concerned, dairy farmer Patrick's farm has long been on the home straight. A few carved love initials, lots of delicious Belgian fries and a brisk quad bike tour followed by a picnic in the meadows make farm lady Sarina's heart beat faster and faster. "You really blew me away!" sighs the mischievously grinning dairy farmer. Now there's no turning back for Sarina either: "Maybe there's already some love in the air," admits the farm lady.

"What the farmer doesn't know..."

Jenny tries to make Hannes happy with sushi.

Nanny Jenny also feels a little "in love". Her sheep farmer makes a bit of a face at her sushi debut on the mountain pasture ("What the farmer doesn't know, he won't eat!"). But a short time later, Hannes makes up for everything on the banks of a small mountain pond. Squatting in front of a gigantic landscape panorama, the two lovebirds swear to each other about the future. They want to take things "slowly", they say. But one thing is clear: both Hannes and Jenny are willing to fight for their future together.

Metal farmer Christoph is also dreaming of a courtship with his lady-in-waiting soon. But first she wants to find out whether her farmer enjoys archery as much as she does. It's a good thing that the fast-learning cattle friend has a steady hand and, following in the footsteps of Robin Hood, demonstrates plenty of talent.

New arrival Daniel still has the big emotional fireworks ahead of him. But even the greeting between the Bavarian cattle farmer and his Austrian lady-in-waiting shows: Things could go in the right direction very quickly here. Dirndl fan Valentina greets the whole farming family with her heart pounding and her hands sweating. Everyone is quickly in each other's arms. The ice is broken even before the first step.

The only question is: can the stylish blonde really lend a hand? The farmer takes a close look at the weeding. Wearing sunglasses, gold earrings and a crop top, the bartender gets down to business - and impresses. Valentina delivers. As a reward, the (still) driver's license-less Austrian is allowed to take the giant tractor for a spin around the farm. Farmer Daniel can't stop being amazed.

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