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Belgium commits to supplying Ukraine with 30 F-16 aircraft.

Zelensky's visit:

Belgien sagt Ukraine 30 Kampfflugzeuge vom Typ F-16 zu
Belgien sagt Ukraine 30 Kampfflugzeuge vom Typ F-16 zu

Belgium commits to supplying Ukraine with 30 F-16 aircraft.

Belgium will hand over 30 F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine by 2028; this was revealed by their Foreign Minister Hadja Lahbib during a chat with Bel RTL radio. This exciting news came after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's visit to the country, where talks for a new bilateral security agreement with the NATO member were on the table.

Belgium is part of a group of European allies who agreed to hand over F-16s to Ukraine. The pilots are currently undergoing training in preparation for their arrival. Soon, Zelenskyy will interact with flight instructors at the Melsbroek military airfield located in the northeast of Brussels.

Prior to meeting Zelenskyy, Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo will put pen to paper and sign the accord with him. Both leaders are scheduled to address the media at a joint press conference, as per the Prime Minister's office. In a separate event, Zelenskyy journeyed to Spain on Monday, and the Spanish government declared they'll furnish Ukraine with a billion euros worth of military help in accordance with their bilateral security alliance.

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