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Belgian royal couple go on a trip to Germany

The Norwegian Crown Prince Haakon visited Germany at the beginning of November. Now it is the Belgian royals' turn. In Berlin, they will meet the political leaders during their state visit.

Queen Mathilde and King Philippe's first state visit to Germany.
Queen Mathilde and King Philippe's first state visit to Germany.

Nobility - Belgian royal couple go on a trip to Germany

Just under a month ago, Norwegian Crown Prince Haakon made a stop in Germany, and now the next royal visit is set to follow: the Belgian royal couple are coming to Berlin and Dresden for their first state visit to Germany. King Philippe and Queen Mathilde plan to arrive this Tuesday (December 5) accompanied by a large delegation, including representatives from the worlds of business and politics.

King Philippe - the eldest son of former King Albert II - is known in Europe for his calm and reserved manner. This year, the 63-year-old celebrated his tenth anniversary on the throne. The state visit to Germany is intended to highlight the partnership between Belgium and Germany - for example, in terms of cooperation on the energy transition and cultural exchange, as announced by the Office of the Federal President.

The program

For Philippe and Mathilde, however, the morning will begin at Bellevue Palace in Berlin, where they will be welcomed with military honors by Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier and his wife Elke Büdenbender. In the afternoon, Berlin's Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) will receive the couple at the Brandenburg Gate.

On Wednesday, the Belgian King will be received by Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) at the Federal Chancellery. Appointments are also planned in the capital at the German Aerospace Center and the eastern German transmission system operator 50Hertz, which belongs to the Belgian group Elia. The visit will end on the third day in Dresden with a tour of the Frauenkirche and a visit to a Christmas market.

According to the Office of the Federal President, this is the first state visit by the monarch and his wife to Germany. The couple have been married since 1999 and have four children. Steinmeier and Büdenbender were last in Belgium for a meeting of German-speaking heads of state in September 2023.

Philippe from the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha studied politics and is a fighter pilot and long-distance runner. He and Mathilde have visited Germany on several occasions, for example in Rhineland-Palatinate in 2022.

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