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Before take-off: Man climbs into aircraft engine and dies

A man has died in an aircraft engine at Salt Lake City Airport. He had apparently entered the tarmac through an emergency exit and climbed into the engine.

It is not clear why the man climbed into the engine (symbolic image)
It is not clear why the man climbed into the engine (symbolic image)

Salt Lake City - Before take-off: Man climbs into aircraft engine and dies

Tragedy at the airport in the US city of Salt Lake City: a man has climbed into an aircraft engine and died. The 30-year-old from the state of Utah got onto the tarmac of the airport through an emergency exit, according to a police statement on Tuesday (local time). He had a ticket for a flight to Denver.

The man's personal belongings, including clothing and shoes, were found on one of the runways. Shortly afterwards, he was discovered unconscious in an aircraft engine. The engine had already been turning, it was said. The man died at the airport.

The reasons are not yet known

According to the police, the incident occurred on Monday evening. It was initially unclear why the man climbed into the engine. The exact cause of death and the nature of the 30-year-old's injuries were also initially unknown. A toxicological examination is also to be carried out as part of an autopsy. The flight to San Francisco was canceled, reported CNN. According to the police, the incident had no impact on the continued operation of the airport.

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