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Beat the Star

For the first time in the ProSeven competition show 'Schlag den Star', a husband-wife duel took place. Bushido and Anna-Maria Ferchichi faced off against Wayne and Annemarie Carpendale - successfully.

War already out of breath after the first round of ProSieben competition show 'Schlag den Star':...
War already out of breath after the first round of ProSieben competition show 'Schlag den Star': Rapper Bushido.

Rapper as Contender - Beat the Star

At his fans, he is known for harsh words. At ProSieben's competition show "Schlag den Star," Bushido presented himself primarily as a competitor: On Saturday evening, the rapper, along with his wife Anna-Maria Ferchichi, won against Wayne and Annemarie Carpendale.

At prime time (8:15 p.m.), the two pairs faced off in various disciplines such as tug-of-war, stacking beer coasters into a castle, and the classic "Blamieren or kassieren." After more than four hours, the Ferchichi couple finally emerged as the winners - something they seemed to be most surprised about themselves: "I have never won before, never!" said a dumbfounded Anna-Maria Ferchichi. The triumph was rewarded with a suitcase full of cash: The Ferchichis received 100,000 Euro.

The pair duels attracted an audience

The pair mode went over well with the audience - ProSieben should be pleased with the ratings: 1.2 million people in the target group over 3 years (8.5 percent market share) watched the sweating rapper as he was already lying on the ground gasping for air after the first round.

Bushido lives with his wife Anna-Maria Ferchichi and their common children in Dubai. In March 2024, he started his "Koenig fuer immer!" tour in Berlin after a longer concert break. Before that, Bushido had written that this would be his last tour. In May, his latest album "Koenig fuer immer" was released.

The victory on "Schlag den Star" was widely covered in German media, with Bushido and Anna-Maria Ferchichi becoming regular topics of discussion.

Annemarie Carpendale, despite her loss, also gained attention on German television, with many people expressing their admiration for her sportsmanship and spirit.

Bushido, in an interview on a local German television station soon after the show, mentioned that he had always been a fan of the show "Beat the Star" growing up.

During his "Koenig fuer immer!" tour, Bushido often spoke about the influence of the Samurai code, Bushido, in his life and career.

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