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Bas: Citizens too quiet against right-wing extremism

Politics alone cannot combat the problem of right-wing extremism, says the President of the Bundestag - and calls for more commitment. In the face of xenophobia and anti-Semitism, it is too quiet for her.

Bundestag President Bärbel Bas speaks at the demonstration against anti-Semitism "Never again
Bundestag President Bärbel Bas speaks at the demonstration against anti-Semitism "Never again is now!".

Society - Bas: Citizens too quiet against right-wing extremism

Bundestag President Bärbel Bas has appealed to people in Germany to get more involved against the right. "Right-wing populists are increasingly attacking democracy - networked throughout Europe," the SPD politician told the "Tagesspiegel" newspaper. In certain bubbles on social media, you only get information "that reinforces this world view. Much of it is fake news." This has an impact on the political debate.

"However, politics alone will not solve the problem of right-wing extremism," said Bas. "Xenophobia and anti-Semitism will not simply disappear. In the face of these dangers, many citizens are too quiet for me."

Bas is skeptical about a possible ban on the AfD. "Just because we ban a party doesn't mean we can get these attitudes out of people's heads," she said. There are rightly very, very high hurdles for a party ban.

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