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Bartender Justifies Serving Drink to Justin Timberlake

Dissimilar Perspectives Witnessed Incident

Timberlake's actual alcohol consumption before his arrest has been the subject of speculation.
Timberlake's actual alcohol consumption before his arrest has been the subject of speculation.

Bartender Justifies Serving Drink to Justin Timberlake

What did Justin Timberlake drink before his suspected DUI incident? A bartender who served him claims he only consumed one glass of Martini. However, this contradicts statements from witnesses who reported Timberlake to the authorities.

Did Justin Timberlake drive a car while drunk after his recent arrest? The bartender from the restaurant where Timberlake dined with friends before his DUI allegations, confirmed his account to People magazine. Timberlake reportedly stated that he had just "one glass of Martini" before getting behind the wheel. Timberlake was arrested on Long Island on June 18 around midnight, following reports that he hit a stop sign and was subsequently pulled over by the police. On the scene, he failed to comply with a breathalyzer test.

The bartender affirmed that Timberlake, former partner of Britney Spears, only had one drink in his presence. Another restaurant employee added that if Timberlake had drank more, it wasn't in their establishment.

However, the police officer who stopped Timberlake reported glassy and bloodshot eyes. The police report indicated: "His breath gave off a strong alcoholic scent, he was unable to focus on conversation, he spoke slowly, was unsteady on his feet and failed all standard sobriety tests."

Was Timberlake reported?

This version also aligns with the observations made by restaurant patrons. According to the New York Post, Timberlake's arrest was not accidental. An owner of a restaurant in Southampton is said to have disclosed to the website that a call from the "American Hotel," where Timberlake dined with his entourage, had alerted the police. The caller or callers are said to have noticed Timberlake "consuming an excessive amount of alcohol" and then driving a luxury vehicle. The police were then contacted. The identity of the caller, whether an employee, guest or a member of Timberlake's entourage, was not disclosed by the source.

Timberlake, currently on tour, is scheduled to appear in court on July 26. The court hearing will decide the next steps in the case. In a statement from his attorney Edward Burke Jr., obtained by the celebrity portal TMZ, the attorney states: "We're ready to aggressively defend Mr. Timberlake against these accusations. He will have much to say at the appropriate time." However, we are still waiting for further details from the District Attorney's office.

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